This is looking great !
First issue, you forgot to include 'images' folder on your Github repo, that's why it's not showing. :)
For adding color to the picture, I did something a bit different than you :
I created an empty div in my html called <div class="bg-img">
, and added this in my css :
.bg-img {
background-image: linear-gradient( rgba(79, 2, 137, 0.6), rgba(79, 2, 137, 0.6) ), url('images/image-header-desktop.jpg');
background-size: cover;
It ends up with a filter of rgba(79, 2, 137)
(violet) color to apply on my picture with an opacity of 0.6.
I don't know if it's the best way of doing it but I think it does the job pretty well.
Good luck and happy coding !