@nilikopoAll comments
- @shiroblsdSubmitted 19 days ago
- @AilaFelixxSubmitted 19 days agoWhat challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
I had a lot of trouble with the height of the main element. I had to set a fixed value to make the page look nice because otherwise, the background would only go as far as before the first section started.
Besides that, there were small details I couldn't figure out, like increasing the distance between list bullets and the start of the sentences, changing the color of the bullets, and aligning the text inside lists so that the second line starts at the same point as the first. I think this last part might be confusing. For example:
I couldn't get it to look like this:
Instead, it turned out like this:(ignore the "_", it's just a space)
Anyway, I struggled, but I managed to make it work.
I’d love any advice—it's very welcome! 😊
@nilikopoPosted 18 days agoHi,
Distance between <li> and marker:
list-style-position: inside;
andtext-indent: -2rem;
are blocking the way to put distance between list bullets and start of the sentence with usingpadding-left: 2rem;
orpadding-inline-start: 2rem;
.It will also fix text aligning inside list.
u can use pseudo-element
to change the color of markerscode i used
.instructions-item::marker { color: var(--color-brown800); font-weight: 600; }
Height of main element: i removed every fixed height in media queries and in main block:
height: XXXrem
,height: 206.9rem;
. Then i removed fixed height inhtml, body
and set it toheight: auto;
and added additionalpadding-bottom: 4rem;
element.Marked as helpful1 - XXXXXX
- @SimonHicklingSubmitted 19 days ago
- @Muhammed-HamdanSubmitted 20 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Used only flex box, can try recreating with grid
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?- Child elements of flex box are not pinned to parent, used
overflow: hidden
to solve it - Used negative margin to align cart icon with text in button
Please give suggestions to better organize the CSS and make it more readable
@nilikopoPosted 20 days agou can use :root to store some known variables
:root{ /* given variables from */ --color-dark-cyan: hsl(158, 36%, 37%); --color-cream: hsl(30, 38%, 92%); --color-very-dark-blue: hsl(212, 21%, 14%); --color-dark-grayish-blue: hsl(228, 12%, 48%); --color-white: hsl(0, 0%, 100%); /* my own variables */ --border-radius: 10px; --padding-description: 2em; --padding-description-vertical: 1.5em; --padding-price-inline: 1.5em; --padding-button: 1em; }
0 - Child elements of flex box are not pinned to parent, used
- @ToskytdSubmitted 21 days ago
- @YT-PROGRAMMERSubmitted about 2 months ago
- @MarlonMorariSubmitted about 2 months ago
- @atif128873806Submitted 2 months ago
- P@oryanhachSubmitted about 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am proud of myself for completing this challenge on my own. Last challenge it was the first challenge after about 1.5 years and I wasn't able to write any code without ChatGPT, I had no flow and understanding of why I do things. This time I had much better work flow, and I felt that I actually got better and learnt new things working on this challenge. Next time I want to put more thought into creating the html and class names better.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The biggest challenge for me was creating the HTML in a semantic way, and choosing good class names. I tried to think about making it the most logical way and a very readable code. Not sure I was successful, but It is a start!
@nilikopoPosted about 2 months agou did very good job, but i found some problems vertical margin between learning and main img is 24px mobile version is a bit different line-height is missing card-header-title wrong font-size card-header-secondary-title wrong font-size card-footer gap is 12px not 15px card-footer-creator font-weight 800
1 - @phr-krnSubmitted about 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
Separating everything is always the best part, as it is always much easier to understand if an error happens.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?Separating everything so that it is easier to leave is very difficult for me, maybe I lack creativity, but something simpler was nice to do
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Probably when allocating sets and adding qrcodes or other things on websites