I'm Proud of building a responsive Tip-Calculator
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?few challenges with positioning, and JavaScript
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Feedback is Welcome!
I'm Proud of building a responsive Tip-Calculator
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?few challenges with positioning, and JavaScript
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Feedback is Welcome!
This all appears to work very well, nice job! The layout is a bit squashed up in desktop view, but this is a preference thing more than a problem. The only thing I would recommend to improve it, is an event listener on the input fields, so that when an input is entered, the calculation functions automatically update. Apart from that, great work!
This looks mostly good in mobile view, but on a bigger screen ( > 1400px wide), the layout is way too stretched and does not fit the screen. The other problem is that the text does not update when you scroll. The way I addressed this was to update the innerHTML of the header and paragraph elements, from an array of objects in JS.
Another thing you could try, is to add some transitions in there for smoother movement when you scroll. Apart from that, it looks great and very accurate, particularly at 1400 wide.
Proud of Implementing React for first time in Frontend Mentor Projects.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Please If any reader feel any scope of improvements or any flaws .. kindly write it in the feedback so that i can improve that in future 🙂. As it's my first project using react.
Are you sure? I just checked again, and if you enter 10 with one person, the output reads 15.00 where it should read 10.50. sorry if this is me being stupid haha
Proud of Implementing React for first time in Frontend Mentor Projects.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Please If any reader feel any scope of improvements or any flaws .. kindly write it in the feedback so that i can improve that in future 🙂. As it's my first project using react.
The total pp calculation appears to be incorrect. The tip calculates well, but the total pp should be taking the total bill amount, divided by the number of people, then adding the tip per person value to this amount. Apart from this, this is good. The only thing I did differently is set a minimum amount of person as 1 (as you can't have less than 1 person). This was just a preference thing though, and you lose the opportunity to add the error message anyway.
I am proud that I completed this project with my skill level and learned some new tricks.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?This app should have a section in my project with buttons and an input field, along with a tip section where we can select one of the buttons or provide a custom input. However, when I do this, I don’t get the custom input value.I fixed this issue with the help of ChatGPT
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Could you please provide feedback on my project? I'd appreciate your thoughts and suggestions for improvement!
You should put an event listener on the percentage buttons, so that the calculation functions automatically update when a percentage button is clicked. Another possible suggestion (although totally up to you), would be to set a minimum number of 1 person, so that the calculator started working immediately when you put a number in. Hope this is helpful!