@melanielogan74All comments
- @markodjukic28Submitted 3 months ago@melanielogan74Posted about 1 month ago
Great job! Especially with matching up your solution to the example.
1 - P@okayishmaelSubmitted about 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
See the Readme file in the github repository for all the details
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?None
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?N/A
@melanielogan74Posted about 2 months agoGreat work! Your solution is very close to the design layout. The only recommendation that I have is to use semantic html more. It is harder to review/debug because there are lots of <div> tags. Try using <section> to separate things that should be together.
0 - @Belamana-HarshithaSubmitted 2 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
figure tags
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?media queries and changing the positions of the image and information in mobile view
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?media queries
@melanielogan74Posted 2 months agoThis was a very good attempt. Your desktop mode is very close to the challenge image.
What would be a better way of making this semantic would be to use <picture> to size for desktop and mobile, and <section> for the content. Within the <section> you could break it down further using <div> and classes.
When I tried viewing the page for mobile, the button was partially cut off. I believe this may be because of overflow:hidden.
As stated, this was a very good attempt. Only a few tweaks needed. Keep up the good work!
0 - @AshishbauerSubmitted 3 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
the best thing is how you design and focus on each element.
@melanielogan74Posted 3 months agoThis is a very good attempt at the challenge. I'd recommend using flexbox and grid to make the design more responsive. Also, for semantic html, you could use section tags to separate the content and work with it from that angle.
0 - @AbdelrahmanMokademSubmitted 3 months ago@melanielogan74Posted 3 months ago
Great job completing this challenge! I did not find anything amiss or areas that should be improved. The layout worked as expected in different screen sizes.
0 - @kensher0Submitted 3 months ago@melanielogan74Posted 3 months ago
This was a very good attempt! I broke down my feedback per file.
- Try to use more descriptive names for your classes. Using terms like header, textarea, text can be confused with tags and reserved words. Choose something like class="card-header" to help differentiate.
- Also, try not to use so many div tags. This can make it hard to debug and troubleshoot any issues.
- There's a misspelling of the word "foundations"
- This looks great! You organized the styling well and used some items I haven't seen anyone use (i.e. transform)
- The image needs a border-radius
- Learning should not have a border and should be bolded.
- Your main header and the name should be bold text.
Overall, great job!
Marked as helpful1 - @Murali0102Submitted 3 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
While learning media query and also font family in the css
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?How to upload the files in the git hub and also how to create a live site website .
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?How to optimise the code and write the readable code . How to analysis the figma components.
@melanielogan74Posted 3 months agoThis is a very good attempt. Including media queries and centering in the html were good ideas. What could be improved is using heading tags like h1, h2 instead of making them a class. You can still control the size of a heading in CSS. This link may be helpful (
Also, the Outline font was missing from the live site. You can accomplish this by using @import in CSS or copying the <link> info from Google fonts.
Overall, great job! Keep up the good work.
Marked as helpful0 - @MuriloP14Submitted 3 months ago@melanielogan74Posted 3 months ago
Great job! Not much I'd do differently other than making sure that the correct font (i.e. Outfit) is used.
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