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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • Understand CSS GRID a little more, although I still have a lot to learn

    • The use of objects in JS is a treasure, I am really learning to see some of the uses that can be given to them

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    • The assignment of the values ​​of the TimeFrames depending on the chosen timeFrame

    • Well, I was able to greatly simplify the long and complex code I had, using an object to map all the values ​​of each timeFrame, it was fascinating

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    • I feel like my CSS code is very archaic, I have to keep learning the properties, classes and pseudo-classes to be able to write better, cleaner code.
  • Submitted


    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    • I learned very interesting things, I am starting and I have made many mistakes, like skipping basic exercises because I think they are very basic, but I realized that it is vital to really learn. Without the bases everything else will be very unstable and unreliable.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I encountered many challenges, I had to go back to the basics and understand them, and between trial and error I was able to do each section

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Definitely in the optimization of functions in JS, my code works, but I don't see it as clean or efficient, I need a lot more practice and any tips you can give me, I will surely take them into account.

    Also with CSS, I have to implement many other more efficient ways of grouping selectors, the way I currently have it is confusing and not at all comfortable to maintain.

  • Submitted

    Advice Generator

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    It really is a simple project, however in my case that I am learning has helped me a lot to practice important concepts and train a little more the logic of programming.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I feel that the code can be optimized, I tried to be as precise as possible, but I would like to add a text that says “loading...” during the seconds it takes to show one Advice and another.

    but I would still appreciate any tips you can offer me to improve any area of my app.

    thank you very much in advance

  • Submitted

    Hello, although in appearance it is the same as the design of the challenge, I am not satisfied, it has taken me a bit to work on the Responsive to give it better fluidity, I feel a little stuck because it has already happened to me with several projects, I am going to continue learning to use more CSS properties to optimize my code.

    If you have any suggestions, I will be very grateful.

  • Submitted

    Hello, here I leave you a new challenge, it is my 6th challenge, I really liked the experience of sharing my results and much more receiving your comments to be able to improve.

    As well as in other challenges that I have uploaded, I feel that my code can be improved and simplified much more. Any suggestion you have will be very welcome, thank you very much.

  • Submitted

    It's my 4th challenge, even though the appearance is very similar, I'm not entirely convinced that the code is clean, I think there are better ways to do some of the things I did, I would be very grateful if you can see my code and Give me some recommendations and some tips to improve, thank you very much!

    Es mi 4to reto, a pesar de que la apariencia es muy similar, no estoy del todo convencido de que el código sea limpio, creo que hay mejores formas de hacer algunas de las cosas que hice, estaría muy agradecido si pueden ver mi código y darme alguna recomendación y algún tip para mejorar, muchas gracias!

  • Submitted

    My third challenge is completed, I must admit that I am not satisfied, I had difficulties especially with the desktop size, I do not feel that the code is very clean, if you could give me any suggestions to work better with the responsive, I would be very grateful. :)

  • Submitted

    Hello, here I leave my 2nd challenge, I am starting, I have been learning little by little from different sources, but a community is always much more effective and efficient to improve. Any suggestion you can give me would be very welcome. Thanks"

  • Submitted

    Hello everyone, this is my first attempt at a "solution" using some Flexbox properties. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions to improve my code and have better practices. Thank you so much