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  • @loganbriggs08


    Hey Taylor, Your QR component looks great however I have a few suggestions to take your QR Component to the next level..

    My first suggestion is that you lower your Card that is holding everything, this will make it look closer to the original image you copied off and make it look even better.

    My second suggestion is that you make your Card a little bit bigger once its further down/centred, This will again make it look closer to the original and make the quality of your work even higher.

    Anyways have a great day : )

    Marked as helpful

  • Shashikant 430



    This is my third Challenge though I should take it as my First Challenge as this is very simple but very good practice for those who just learned HTML CSS concepts like accessibility, Grid, Flex, and Media Query. I have already learned these concepts in my past two Challenges which are Product preview card component and Results summary component.

    I appreciate any suggestions for my front-end journey ahead.



    Hey, Your QR component looks great however there is one thing i think you should change to make it look even better..

    Try making your QR Code Card a little smaller so it looks closer to the QR Code example screenshot provided by frontendmentor, doing this will make it look even better and closer to the original which is what you want.

  • @loganbriggs08


    Hey Ian, Your QR code component looks great however the background colour looks a little off, if you need the correct hex colour here it is #D6E1F0, Changing the hex colour will make your component look even better and therefor it will look closer to the original images provided by frontend mentor.

    Anyways enjoy : )

  • @loganbriggs08


    Hey, Your QR Code component looks great however i have a few suggestions to improve it even more!

    My first suggestion is that you make your card a little bit smaller and don't make it fit the full screen so it can then be centred more like the original frontendmentor design, this can easily be done and will make your component look even better.

    My second suggestion is that you change the font sizing of your second text (the description) to make it smaller like the original example.

    Doing these two things will make your component even better and challenge you even more.

    If you need help doing any of this let me know and ill send you some code to help you and links if needed.

    Anyways enjoy : )

  • @bOREDpANDA69


    Hello everyone reading this, this is my second project. Please feel free to leave any comments or tips for me

    Thank you for your time.



    Looks really good, There is nothing wrong with this at all but if you are looking for a bit of an extra challenge maybe try and match the gradient on the Card which can be done pretty easily if you figure out the right hex colours and maybe also ensure the spacing and sizes are closer. This will level up your project and make it even better than it already is!

    : )

  • @loganbriggs08


    Hey, Your Order Summary component looks really good however I have a few things which might help you improve your design..

    The first thing is the background, it is a little low down compared to what it should be which is fine but making it higher will make it even better! This can be done pretty easily with a simple google search and if you cant figure it out feel free to reply to my comment and i will help you.

    The second thing is the colours, a couple of colours are off like the button colour and the change text colour, changing this will make it look more like the original and therefor better

    Anyways apart from that you did a great job, keep up the good work.

    Marked as helpful

  • @loganbriggs08


    Looks incredibly good, there is pretty much nothing to say about this apart from that it is really good however if you are looking for a little bit of an extra challenge you should try perfecting the space between the text, this will make it look even closer to the original and make your piece of work even better.

    Apart from that it looks really good.

    : )

    Marked as helpful

  • @loganbriggs08


    Looks really good however the background colour is a little off, adjusting this will make it look even better and make it look even closer to the original by frontendmentor! changing the colour should be easier as i can see you have already changed the background colour, the hex code is #D6E1F0 if you want to change the colour to make it look better.

    Enjoy, Katsu : )

    Marked as helpful

  • @loganbriggs08


    Looks really good however you might want to make the full screen the correct colour instead of the top portion only, you could also then centre the QR code component again to make it even better. You might also want to use the same font provided by frontendmentor to make it even better again but apart from that it looks great!


  • @loganbriggs08


    Looks really good, one thing you could do if you want to improve it though is adjusting the shadow a little, your version has more of a shadow than the one provided by frontendmentor. This is really simple to do and will make it look better than it already looks, apart from that it looks great!


    Marked as helpful

  • @loganbriggs08


    Hey, Looks great however one problem is that the top text is a little big maybe try making this a little smaller to make it look even better! Also your text has 4 lines and frontendmentor has 2, you could fix this by dividing the text up into 2 so something like this.

    <h1>Improve your front-end</h1> <h1>skills by building projects</h1>

    then adding some css to center it again, something like "margin-left": "auto", "margin-right": "auto" should do this.

    Anyways have a good day :^)

    Marked as helpful

  • @loganbriggs08


    Looks incredible best one i have seen so far however you might want to try adding a shadow to the card to make it look even closer to the original one by frontendmentor, This is really easy to do and will make your solution look even closer to the original provided this can be easily done with a little bit of css using something like this simple one liner:

    "shadow": "3px solid black"

    anyways enjoy :^)

    Marked as helpful
