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#react#tailwind-css#viteSubmitted 6 days agoI still have a question, if its possible to make the container shorter and after clicking a question the container goes bigger and everything fits on it. For now I left like this.
Tip calculator, using react hooks
#react#tailwind-css#viteSubmitted 13 days agoOf course I will apreciate any advice or critic about the code. I use AI to help me, but im confident that im learning. Still Im not sure if its the best wat to build it so, if there is any thing that matter to check, let me know pls. thanks
#react#vite#tailwind-cssSubmitted 20 days agoIf its possible to check the styles, because I feel that there is a lot of them to improve.
Newsletter design and reloaded
#react#vite#tailwind-cssSubmitted 24 days agoWhat im thinking a lot right now is about the github. Which files should be shown on the repository and which one not.
Article preview component // vite, react, tailwind-css
#react#vite#tailwind-cssSubmitted about 1 month agoI will like help of the usage of absolute and relative. Im not sure if there is a better way to this
Testimonials Grid = Tailwind React
#react#vite#tailwind-cssSubmitted about 1 month agoIf there is any other way to use a layout component as a base for the creation of the other components. Specifically when there are different styles on the same component
Advice caller
#sass/scssSubmitted 10 months agoI tried to make the icon blac dice to spin when click, but coudnt. The styles are there but coudnt make it work.
Interactive form for a credit card
Submitted 10 months agoIf there is any changes that will make it easier the understanding of the code, will be very appreciate it