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    Definitely the HTML and CSS. They aren't my strong suit whatsoever. The Javascript was easy, the designing not so much. I had tons of trouble on getting the desktop version to work if you guys can leave some tips or feedback on that it would be greatly appreciated.

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    Any tips on how I can write cleaner or better code will be appreciated.

    Also got really confused for the top and bottom background circles, don't know how I would've achieved the mobile design for those.

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    Had no idea how I could've done the image, I know I did it really badly. Also I am still struggling with moving from mobile to desktop. Doing mobile-first is very easy but trying to scale up to desktop has been a big issue for me.

    Any feedback is welcomed.

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    Honestly, this one was like most of the CSS challenges. I do need tips on how I could write my CSS better.

    I got really stuck on the annual subscription area, not sure how I could've gone about with that.

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    I found making the hover state for the image difficult it took me maybe 4-5 tries to get it working right but it was 100% relieving, definitely learned a lot from that.

    I am not sure about how my HTML was written.

    I started using SCSS nesting and I was wondering if that is the ideal way of doing it.

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    Honestly no questions here. I think I did pretty well on this, pretty easy project which took less than an hour to finish. If you do have any feedback I would appeciate that though.

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    It was my first time using SASS so I thought it was going to be pretty difficult but it's just CSS but much better, honestly I'm still learning so it doesn't look like I used it much but it's okay.

    I'm really unsure about my HTML and CSS still, I'm definitely getting better every challenge I do though but I'd like some sort of feedback on it

    My question really isn't a question, I would just like some tips on how I am writing my code, especially my JS and CSS.

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    Like my last I found making and doing the desktop version more difficult than the mobile version. Not sure how I can improve on that at all, I tried a lot and even looked at other solutions to give me an idea of what I'm supposed to do, it barely helped. I'm unsure about my media query if I'm being totally honest, the centering of the div is very off, not sure how I can fix that at all. My question is how can I just improve on the desktop design?

  • Submitted

    I found doing anything in css difficult, I spent 3 hours just on the mobile design which I found out was very flawed along with my code for desktop version. I tried doing variables for the colors but when it came down to the light red, cobalt blue, etc. colors I kind of choked due to the alpha, I found out that I was adding too many parathenses while typing out hsla. My question for best practices is just how do I make cleaner code? I feel like Everything is everywhere, my html feels like its missing tags, I'm not sure if I was supposed to put classes for every single element, my css was everywhere as well felt like I was writing things just to write them and see if they worked.