Hey folks! 😄
This is my first solution in FrontEnd Mentor, any feedback is more than welcome,
Best Regards,
Huascar Guillermo,
Hey folks! 😄
This is my first solution in FrontEnd Mentor, any feedback is more than welcome,
Best Regards,
Huascar Guillermo,
I just finished my second challenge. I want your suggestions what can be improved and in general what you like or you don't like. Thank you in advance for feedback :)
Hello Michal :D
Congratulation on finishing this challenge, here are my suggestions detailed below:
-- <picture>: Using a picture tag you avoid using background-image setting width and height, inside of the picture tag set a main img and a source tag setting when the image will change with media query. Example with a mobile first workflow: Documentation, Video.
<source media="(max-width: 810px)" srcset="img-mobile-location.jpg">
<img src="img-desktop-location.jpg" alt="img-desktop"/>
-- <h2> or <span>:
-- SVG:
<title>A short title of the SVG</title>
<title id="uniqueTitleID">The title of the SVG</title>
-- rem:
Best Regards, Jean Ruiz
Since the Newbie level is perfect for me, this was a great project for practicing my skills. What I found most difficult while building the project was more of a memory challenge than a challenge in coding. I enjoyed bringing what I learned to this challenge and seeing it work out.
Hi Reni :)
Congratulation on finishing this challenge, it was a great solution so far just a feedback about using rem instead of px for the best accessibility client experience.
Best regards, Jean Ruiz
Hello, Could you tell me if the html semantics are corrects?
Great Job completing this challenge Julia!
In my opinion with a <main> tag and a couple of <div> would be enough.
<header> and <article> tag are not necessary in this type of challenge. Also use a <footer> tag in your attribution section to avoid accessibility issues.Beside that! Great job and keep going!
Great job!
Just a couple of feedback:
Happy coding! 😄
Let me know what I can change and improve.
Sometimes I'm still struggle a bit with the responsive desing
Hey, great job completing this challenge.
Here are some improvements you can apply in your next challenge or modify this one:
Always use a <footer> tag in your attribution to avoid accessibility issues.
Add a type= button to your button also :), this could help with a clear definition of what the button will do.
Besides that everything is okay and is completely responsive on my phone. Happy coding, keep going!!
Jean Ruiz
Hello all,
This is my first proper submission so hopefully everything is in order. If there is anything in the code that you would suggest doing differently then it would be great to hear your feedback as I would love to improve.
Thank you for your time, John :)
Hi! Eurus here.
Additional feedback or criticism will be appreciated. Thanks! 😁!
Hey, great job completing this challenge.
Here are some improvements you can apply in your next challenge or modify this one:
Besides that everything is okay and is completely responsive on my phone. Happy coding, keep going!!
Jean Ruiz
Let me know If I did anything wrong, or if there is anything I can improve.
Hey, great job completing this challenge.
Here are some improvements you can apply in your next challenge or modify this one:
Besides that everything is okay and is completely responsive on my phone. Happy coding, keep going!!
Jean Ruiz
Hola amigos, espero seguir avanzando con toda, tuve inconvenientes para poder elegir la tipografia exacta, ya que no tuve el mockup de figma, sin embargo intente que quedase lo mas similar posible, muchas gracias por este espacio y ánimo a todos!
Do you see something that I can improve upon? Don't be afraid to let me know as I am trying to improve as much as possible. Thanks!
I see a great job in this challenge @CrypticMango,
2 little things you can modify in this challenge is
1: Remove the style tag from your .html file and move it into the .css 2: Add a footer tag in the attribution class to fix the accessibility issues
Happy coding!!!