@hkaur108All solutions
- Submitted 17 days ago
Responsive Product Cart
#react#redux#sass/scss#typescript- HTML
- JS
I am facing issues with making the content within the overlay opaque while in the design images its is perfectly opaque, while mine is showing transparent that I would like to overcome.
- Submitted about 2 months ago
FAQ Accordion
#sass/scss#jquery- HTML
- JS
On the smaller screen, I am not able to stretch the background image to half the screen. If someone can advise me on how to achieve that it will be awesome. Also any feedback on Semantics, accessibility will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
- Submitted 2 months ago
Frontend Mentor | Interactive rating component
#sass/scss#semantic-ui#jquery- HTML
- JS
I am struggling with selecting only one button at a time, it is letting me select multiple buttons and not deselecting the other. Please advise on this. Or any other feedback will also do. Thanks!
- Submitted 2 months ago
Responsive Bento Grid
#semantic-ui- HTML
I have fixed semantics and styling, any feedback is welcomed.
- Submitted 2 months ago
Responsive article preview
#sass/scss#semantic-ui#jquery- HTML
- JS
i have tried to do my best to fix the styling. Any kind of feedback is welcomed.
- Submitted 3 months ago
Results summary component
#semantic-ui#sass/scss- HTML
I have fixed semantics and bit of styling, any feedback is welcomed.
- Submitted 3 months ago
Product preview
changed semantics and fixed css for button tag, Please recommend any kind of feedback to improve the styling or semantic. Thanks!
- Submitted 3 months ago
Responsive Blog Preview Card
#sass/scss#semantic-ui- HTML
I have fixed semantic and styling, Please advise any feedback to improve the styling in the future.
- Submitted 3 months ago
Responsive NFT Card
#sass/scss#semantic-ui#jquery- HTML
I have fixed semantics and styling, Please let me know if I can improve the accessibility, semantics, logic and styling in any way.
- Submitted 3 months ago
Responsive QR code
I have tried fixing semantics,, Please let me know if anything can be done to improve the solution.
- Submitted 3 months ago
Responsive recipe page
#semantic-ui#sass/scss- HTML
I have tried to add possible semantics for my project. Please advise if there is anything else can be done to improve semantics, styling and accessibility.
- Submitted 3 months ago
Responsive QR Code
#sass/scss- HTML
Any feedback is welcomed to make my project accessible and responsive.
- Submitted 3 months ago
Accessible Contact Form
#accessibility#react#bootstrap- HTML
- JS
I am facing issues with removing the default styles of the input field, I have tried -webkit-appearance:none, but that does not seem to help. Please advise as to how I can fix it.
Secondly, I have tried to add accessibility into the form for the first time, please let me know if it is correct and something else can be done to improve the solution.
Any other sort of feedback is also welcomed.
- Submitted 4 months ago
Responsive age Calculator
- JS
For media query 600px I tried to align the submit button to the center but the line behind it is not expanding to full 100%. Any feedback regarding improving design or logic is welcomed.
- Submitted 4 months ago
Interactive rating cart
- JS
I am trying to add the active class so that I can show the selected button but it is not showing the required css. any feedback is welcomed.
- Submitted 4 months ago
Responsive article preview component
- JS
Any kind of feedback is useful, it is just that I face alot of trouble with adjusting font size , I think there is something up with the text size setting of my browser because when I make changes in the font size I do not see any differnce hence I do not know how the fonts will appear on others screen.