i use TailwindCss and PetiteVue. if you have any Q let me know.
i use TailwindCss and PetiteVue. if you have any Q let me know.
Hello @Dellcash, nice one. First, I think you submitted the wrong solution. I know because I did submit the wrong solution to this same challenge before.
Also, you should check the responsive breakpoint. The mobile breakpoint is too much, it should be around 700px or 35em.
Happy Coding!👍
Please let me know if there are any errors or different/better ways to create this project. Any feedback is much appreciated... Thanks!
Hello, nice code. But one thing I'll point out is the use of semantic HTML, maybe you should check and restructure the semantic for example, header is not supposed to be inside main
Check the out. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_semantic_elements.asp&ved=2ahUKEwjX2ruOpbj0AhWnILkGHWYpBPwQFnoECAQQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw38SC2etR0JeORCKyF1fqbU
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I still want to use vanilla CSS. I have trouble with the center where i used 3 floats left with width %. Is there a better solution ?
Hello @codefliers, nice one you got here.
Maybe some few issues that shouldn't be hard to fix.
First, you page should have some margins from the screen. I.e it is too close to the edge of the screen.
Secondly, to center an element, you can use margin auto and specify the width of element. You can also choose either css grid or css Flexbox (checkout this course on grid for more insight https://www.cssgrid.io )
Last but not the least, you cannot nest link inside a button or vice versa just like you did here <button1><a href=https://www.frontendmentor.io?ref=challenge
It should be a button or a link but not both nested.
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Yes, please. There is a thing that bothers me the most. Why could a hidden attribute not work in some places? For example, on the "destination" and "crew" pages' <article>s it works, whereas on the "technology" one it doesn't. The same problem was with the <div>s containing imgs on the technology page. So, I had to add some changes to the js files.
Hi @danny, nice one you got here. Maybe you can change the mobile menu hamburger to a pointer. Also, the crew image should be at the bottom on the larger screen and if you can also remove the border-bottom from the image on the large screen
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