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  • P



    Hello @Mikkybeardless, congratulations on completing the project!

    Here are several items I noticed that can help:

    • The page looks great on responsive devices like desktop (1440px) and smaller, but try resizing the window for larger devices both width and height and you notice it has some blank space;
    • You have both index.css and App.css files but you can consolidate them into one file;
    • Linting error in index.css line 24, should be font-size: 12px;
    • 2 Spelling issues in this paragraph: Our multifunctional collection....
    • <Slide 1>, <Slide 2> ... seems to be the same component with different text - maybe you can render one with different props?
    • Spelling in openHarmburger ;) , CaroselBtn (CarouselBtn)
    • Look slike CaroselBtn.tsx is not used anywhere

    Thank you and good luck!!

  • @sobbaka


    Technologies used

    • Semantic HTML5 markup
    • SCSS
    • Flexbox
    • JavaScript
    • Vite
    • Swiper
    • API


    The multi-page space tourism website. This project is an adaptive website created using HTML, CSS and JS. It features a responsive design that works well on a variety of devices, from desktops to smartphones.

    The website has been built using the BEM methodology. Swiper librabry was used to build responsive and touch sliders.




    hey Aleksandr Bagaev, good job on the project. Couple of ideas to add on:

    • I noticed that the nav items are all active upon page load - only the first one should be active according to the design
    • try adding some transitions for the buttons and tabs on hover so they may be more smooth

    Thank you and good luck in your future projects.

  • @Bkevin3110


    My css is pretty messy. If anyone has time to comb through it and make suggestions how to clean it up bettter that would be great!

    Javascript was pretty new but got the hang of it. Wasn't sure if I should've some how looped through the data or setting it to variables was okay.

    Also I don't know any standard best practices let me know if there's a link to any.




    Hello @Bkevin3110, Good job on the project. Here are several things I think you can improve in your codebase.

    Overall I would advise to use a linter to cover a basic code formatting, try using Free Online CSS Beautifier / Formatter for example for your *.css and *.html files.


    • try avoiding naming the classes with a capital letter ( for ex: “.Summary ”)
    • line 147, 148 contains error - should be “24px”
    • please try to cleanup the unused comments like ‘/*https://stackoverflow …’


    • feel free to format this file as well
    • there is an error with missing tag on line 37: <h3>Summary</h3>

    • you can edit this file to include only info you need for your portfolio, for example you can remove: “Note: Delete this note and update the table of contents based on what sections you keep”

    I also think the “Continue” button has a border that design does not have, feel free to check it as well.

    Great job and good luck!

    Marked as helpful
