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  • @engjell17


    hellow there you need to look again in your page because:

    1-the text inside your paragraph and h1 has collapsed! 2-your animation are beautiful!(very good)! 3-your image doesn't load! and the text inside your button has also collapsed! if you need further clarification please feel free to contact me!

  • @engjell17


    I like this solution for the challenge. Here are a few suggestions I've made that you can consider in the future if you're looking to improve the solution further:

    Instead of using pixels in font size with --fs: 15px;, use relative units of measure like rem or em. The font size in absolute length units (px) does not allow users with limited vision to change the text size in some browsers. Reference. The alt attribute should not have hyphens. Use margin: 0.938rem or margin: 15px in the .card selector so that it has some space when viewed on mobile devices. I hope those tips will help you. very good!!!

    Marked as helpful
