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    What would be the best way to think about positioning the circles on this one? I used background-position and made it work, but I don't know if my method was the most effective.

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    I began this challenge with the desire to use display: grid. However, after playing with it I found that using display: flex made the design just simpler to work out.

    Do you think display: flex is the best option for layout with this simple design? What are the things you think through when deciding on using display: flex over display: grid?

    Any other feedback is welcome!

  • Submitted

    This was my first time using Flexbox. I learned about how to implement it far into my initial build and instead of starting over, I just tried to squeeze it in where I thought it was appropriate. This caused some issues that I eventually worked out, but I'm wondering if I have some foux pas in the way I implemented it.

    Besides, general flow of my code, can you specifically look at the way I implemented Flexbox and give me any feedback (to-dos as well as not-to-dos)?

    It would also be nice to have some of the good things I did reinforced as well. My greatest insecurity is writing poorly formatted or "sloppy" code. So it would be good to know when I'm doing some things right.

    Thanks for the help.


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    I don't have any formal training on what "good code" is supposed to look like, so my worry is that my code looks a 3 year old's grammar sounds. Ha.

    If anyone has suggestions on "best practices" when it comes to code layout, that would be helpful. Should I group my CSS differently? Is there a better way to make my code readable? Any resources to read or watch would be welcomed as well.
