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  • P
    Jamie• 120



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I'm glad I figured out pretty quickly that I could use a 45 degree rotated absolute positioned square to get the shape of the bottom of the share tooltip on the desktop design. Next time I think I would reconsider which element to use as the containing block for the share div.

    aysenurtatli• 120



    When I click on the button, the author section moves a bit but good job anyway :)

  • aysenurtatli• 120



    There is a problem in centering the design but good job.

  • P
    abs8090• 60



    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    The parent div container was given a fixed width of 384 initially but the problem was that the image did not have a balance left and right margins, the right one was a bit bigger than the left margin. To solve it, I removed the fixed width but I faced new problem: the content of the p tag continued and did not rap as shown in the figma design. It is not the ideal solution, but I added two br tags to break the paragraph lines.

    I would love to hear how to tackle this problem, thanks!

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    how to make the content of the p tag to go to the next line at a certain point to match the figma design.

    aysenurtatli• 120



    nice work

  • aysenurtatli• 120



    I can't reach your project.

  • Raptor0x1• 210



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Maybe Next time I wanna make it more accessible. I don't know much about accessibility yet.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    • I got stuck in setting the quotes behind the content in the first box. I used pseudo elements such as ::before and ::after but couldn't do it then saw some solutions of others. It was easy, I was just making it difficult. At the end I used background-image without pseudo element. Next time, first I will try to do these types of things without ::before and ::after.
    • One more there was some extra space in the bottom div but i was able to overcome it by asking in the discord. (Setting grid-template-rows to auto)

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    • I always get confused what to name the classes which are same like multiple boxes or items. For this project I have written item-one, item-two, .... Is it alright to use these class names.
    • Next there's this box-shadow I never get it right same as the design. If anyone have some tips on this please do share.
    aysenurtatli• 120



    Look's amazing.

  • aysenurtatli• 120



    good job

  • aysenurtatli• 120



