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  • @nikkaella



    I'd like some feedback on how to keep the main profile area in the middle of the screen, regardless of size. It's currently hard-coded for mobile and web, so if a mobile user with an iPhone X looked at it, it'd be off-center.

    I would also like some more feedback on improvements I can make.

    EDIT: I made some improvements with the help of the comments, and it looks much better now! I learned Bootstrap and it made everything so much easier. I tried to use less absolute positioning, but they're still used for the profile photo :/ . Any constructive criticism is still welcome!

    Antoine 100



    Hey ! You should use flexbox to center your element, it's the more efficient way. The element parent have to take 100% width of the page and then put these termes in css for the element parent : display: flex; / justify-content: center; (this propriety is to center the element on the width) / align-items: center; (this propriety is to center the element on the height) Don't use absolute position for things like that. You are using it for every element, that's a lot of work for nothing. Learn flexbox to make responsive site more easily. Good luck I think you will have to rewrite your css a lot ! You can check my version of this work on my profile to look to my code. Good luck

  • Antoine 100



    Really good word !

  • Antoine 100



    Hey ! Greate usage of flexbox & responsive even if it's pretty simple on this type of project. For me % are useful for div in others when you want them to vary and px when you want to have a fixed width or height for an object. Good luck for the futur !

  • Antoine 100



    Good job ! Don't forget to respect the color and the size of the text To improve, I think you should use flexbox to center an element instead of position: fixed; Use display: flex; justify-content: center; and align-items: center; in the parent element. Good luck !
