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  • Aziz Hmidi 160



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    Happy I learned more about subjects in Angular and better understanding of observables and output and input.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    sending data between components

    Zenos 190



    GOOD JOB ! you finished the challenge i love how u understood the grid functionnality but there are some issues that you need to fix : firs of all you didnt deploy your project in a git hub page so i installed it and open it from the vs code mannually , secondly you didnt make the colors of the add to cart text color , the aspects of the button itself doesnt match the quantity button so when i click on the add to cart it just stretch out , in you page it needs at least one H1 (expl: desserts must be H1), the product cards you made it too much bigger than the original designe and you didnt respect the margin of the main container (that contains the title and the cards) and finally the cart element must be fixed do when i slide down i still see the cart and it's elements but i love how you menaged the functionnality . As a conclusion 10/10 for the functionnality 4.5/10 the front end side , i hope my feedback will help you improve yourself in the future

  • @patricknoni22


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am getting better in using css flex

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    color mixing

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    css flexbox

    Zenos 190



    You've done a great job on your project! Here are a few tips to help you improve further:

    Firstly, make sure to utilize the README file provided by Frontend Mentor, as it includes the necessary fonts and colors to prevent any issues with color mixing. For example, you can use the linear gradient syntax in CSS like this: background: linear-gradient(direction, color1, color2, ...);.

    Additionally, while you did an excellent job with the CSS Grid, don't forget to include gaps for better spacing using grid-gap: 20px;.

    When it comes to using headers (h1, h2, etc.), remember it's not just about font size. Use h1 for the most important heading (only one per page) and proceed with h2, h3, etc., in descending order of importance.

    Overall, you did well and can further improve by practicing. Once you're confident, try the challenge again and post a new solution. Keep up the good work!

  • Aziz Hmidi 160



    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I am so happy about the fact I was finally able to deploy my angular app online using a service like Firebase :). Previously it didn't work and I am happy I got more solid grasp on lots of features in Angular. And so far this is the highest quality work I've done so far (relatively depending on the person but to me it's the best).

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    As funny as it sounds, the biggest problem I faced was adding that icon to the input element, it's so simple but that's what happens when your ego screws you over and you don't use Google or Stackoverflow even after 1 hour!!! Yes it's absurd I spent so much time on this but thanks to this dreadful experience I will never forget how to put an image/icon inside an input element

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    I tried to use grid at first but it seemed too complicated, If you have a project where you used grid don't mind sharing :)

    Zenos 190



    i saw your your work , you did understand the blocks and the positions but you didnt respect the font family and the flex box rule , the spacing , the font size , the background img , etc .... and as a front end we need to focus on the designe and size for each element you did a good job my dear friend and try to improve in these small problemes and lastly i recommend you use the extantion perfect pixel for more presiced work

  • Rodney 170



    All feedback is welcome and thank you very much in advance.

    Zenos 190



    i love your work but there one little thing you forgot to add the border radius and try next time to center your content that will help you tyo make your work more atracting and beautiful

  • Zenos 190



    Good job for finishing the challenge : just a tip to help you:

    1. try centring your content by using flex bow and aligning the content that will center your div 2)you can add bow shadow to make your designe more atracting

    Marked as helpful

  • Zenos 190



    good job very close to the original keep going keep it simple next time bcs you could use the underlined style
