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  • Enis67 140



    I would be very grateful for tips for better coding

    Kamil 260



    Great job!

    Your <main> tag isn't closed with closeup tag </main>

    I don't think you needed to use height property on your image, it should be auto, also I don't think it's a good practice to use unit vw in all of your widths (maybe not particularly in this project), instead of it use something like em,px or % Try to give your main container a certain width and your image just width:100% and it should be working a little bit better

    You can check my how I did that challenge here: My github repo

  • Kamil 260



    Great job!

    You need to make your JS functions more reusable, you wrote 5 functions that are basically doing the same thing. You can see my way of doing it: Github Repo , it's not great but I think you'll get what I meant.

    I would also recommend to wrap those inputs inside <li> tags like this:


    also change border-radius property in input element to border-radius:999px so it will input fields look like circle and not like the egg 🥚

    Marked as helpful

  • Kamil 260



    Great job!

    You didn't make use of image file image-header-mobile.jpg in images folder

    I would recommend to change your <div class="image-container"> into :

    <picture class="image-container">
      <source srcset="images/image-header-mobile.jpg" media="(max-width: 600px)" />
      <img src="images/image-header-desktop.jpg" alt="" />

    so that your image file automatically changes based on certain width, you can read more about <picture> tag here: <picture> tag

  • Kamil 260



    Great job!

    I would recommend to use letter-spacing:2px; property instead of adding spaces in your HTML in <a> tag : <a data-rating="submit" href="" class="btn-submit">S u b m i t</a>

    Marked as helpful

  • Kamil 260



    Hello coder 😎 Firstly I have to say u did a really good job :) My only tip is that you didn't include image-desktop into your layout, what I think would be better is a source media inside a picture that changes src of image to another one above certain width:

    <picture> <source media="(min-width:800px)" srcset="image-header-desktop.jpg"> <img src="image-header-mobile.jpg" alt="" style="width:auto;"> </picture>

    Here's more about <picture> tag :

    Marked as helpful

  • @Asfen


    Hello, Any and all suggestion and corrections are welcome. Comments on my last project was grate help for me and I grew as a coder. I am still wondering if there is a way to keep the width of the component linearly responsive to the viewport size instead of using too many @media query.

    Kamil 260



    Hello coder 😎 I would recommend you to use <picture></picture> element to handle that responsiveness image mobile-desktop :

    <picture> <source media="(min-width: 675px)" srcset="/images/image-product-desktop.jpg"> <img src="/images/image-product-mobile.jpg" alt=""> </picture>

    For more info about picture element:
