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    First time using Tailwind, and I already love it. I know I have made a lot of mistakes, and I'm not sure what a truly 'good project structure' looks like, so I've improvised some things. I have also harcoded the times like "5 minutes ago" (shame on me)

    I appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

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    I had some problems with Angular components, especially those that use display: flex for example. I wasn't entirely sure how to correctly bind them with other components, because there is an "extra" HTML element called <app-component-name> between them (I had to modify their width or height, not the best option probably).

    Not only that, but I also created a service using the JSON file,but i'm not sure if it was the best option.

    ANY feedback is welcome, Thanks! :)

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    I'm happy with the responsiveness, and I believe that the slider is working fine on several devices. However, when testing the page using Responsively, I noticed that some styles and animations didn't work as expected. Besides that, I would appreciate any feedback. :)

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    This is my first time using both TypeScript and React, and it was fun, but very challenging. The page shouldn't be that difficult, but I still faced some difficulties. Aside from that, I would appreciate some feedback on my React and TypeScript skills. I know some of my code can be a bit chaotic, and the organization might not be optimal. I'm not sure if I used useContext correctly. So, any feedback is welcome. :)

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    This is my first "real" project using a framework, so I tried Vue and I like it, but I would like to know what mistakes I made or anything else, I think some of the code I have written is a bit chaotic, and I'm not sure if I have used emits and props in the best way. Any feedback is welcome :) .

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    I used a plugin (not sure how to name it) called "Jsuites" for number masks (I used it for the credit card numbers format), besides that i used only plain js.

    Of course i didn't use default HTML validation, but i used js to create custom validation instead... and it was fun.

    I'd like to see it more "professional", but I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.

    Any feedback is welcome, thanks!.

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    I used plain css (media quieries) and JS (responsive menu). my responsive design includes a little adjust for mid resolutions (tablets).

    I used media queries in only one section for mobile that includes header, footer, etc. And a little secction for tablets... not sure if this is the best practice.

    I also tried using BEM but i failed (lol), i need to plan better my next challenge.

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    I know I can make the responsive menu very easy with Bootstrap, but I tried using plain JS and I'm not sure if I did it in the best way, although I'm very happy with the final result.

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    I used too much css code iguess, i think it was not necessary.