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    I decided to do this simple challenge again. This time I used the Tailwind framework. It was my first contact with Tailwind, the challenge was easy but I really liked the workflow that this framework provides.

    I decided not to add any responsiveness, but I will in my next challenges.

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    I spent some time without doing the challenges because I was studying other things, so I decided to return.

    In this one I had difficulties with the asymmetrical placement of the testimonials cards and rate cards, and I also couldn't handle the placement of the background images very well. They are ok for the Figma project viewports, but in the intermediate viewports they are quite offset.

    Any advices?

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    Another challenge similar to the previous ones but this time I tried to use new things I'm learning, like improving semantic HTML5 markup, CSS Grid, custom Properties.

    Since the mobile version doesn't have much difference from the desktop, I didn't use the mobile first method.

    Any advices?

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    Another challenge similar to the previous ones but this time I tried to use new things I'm learning, like improving semantic HTML5 markup, CSS Grid, custom Properties and Mobile-first workflow.

    Any advices?

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    The layouts in figma had the size of 1440x800 (desktop version) and 375x800 in the mobile version. I made the page based on these sizes, but the result on screens between these two sizes was not so good, with several parts breaking all over the page, I couldn't make the elements fluid enough to avoid this.

    The background image took a lot of work, small changes in the screen size already made it break, even using the background-size property.

    A "solution" I did was to put an intermediate breakpoint to solve this problem a little.

    Some feedback would be great to make my layout more fluid between breakpoints.

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    Another challenge similar to the previous ones but this time I tried to use new things I'm learning, like improving semantic HTML5 markup, CSS Grid, advanced selectors, custom Properties and Mobile-first workflow.

    Any advices?

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    I had a little trouble on the desktop version scaling the image correctly, so I had to put a very large breakpoint.

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    Another challenge similar to the previous ones but this time I tried to use new things I'm learning, like improving semantic HTML5 markup, CSS Grid, advanced selectors, custom Properties and Mobile-first workflow.

    Any improvement tips?

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    Another challenge similar to the previous ones but this time I tried to use new things I'm learning, like improving semantic HTML5 markup, CSS Grid and Mobile-first workflow.

    The main difficulty was creating the overlay effect when hovering the cursor over the image. I got a satisfactory result regarding the background color but I didn't get the same with the "view", it should have the solid bank color, and not be affected by opacity: 0.5;. Any better way to do this?

  • Submitted

    This challenge is very similar to the last one I did in Front End Mentor, but with a few more challenges, i.e. how to adjust the background image on the screen, the square appearance of the shadow on the card using box shadown, needing to use the filter: drop-shadow() and the title stroke, which I managed to implement only using -webkit-text-stroke.

    This time I had the design model available in Figma, and as I had no experience with the tool, it took a little longer than it really looked, but the result was satisfactory, I was able to follow the model almost 100%.

    I'm getting used to flexbox positioning, I'm still starting my studies with the CSS Grid, I'll use it in the next challenges.

    I need to improve the responsiveness and the media queries I use, but I haven't delved too deeply into the subject yet.

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    My process

    I started creating the page already having in mind to use flexbox for practically everything, I know that some things could be solved with inline-block and adjusting margins and padding, but I need to train more the positioning of elements by flexbox.

    I used Photoshop a lot to confirm dimensions and pixel count. I defined the size (width x height) of several elements, perhaps I wouldn't have needed to do it that way, but this gave me more confidence, with time I improve more in relation to this topic.

    What I learned

    This time I correctly used the media queries to create the mobile version, but I had a lot of difficulty changing the images according to the version.

    It took me a long time to find a solution, a lot of research and mistakes to find an acceptable way to accomplish this.

    The solution I found was to create two tags, one for each image and then use media queries to "hide" the image from the other layout with display: none.

    Using this mode, I believe the browser renders both photos, which is not good for performance and optimization. I would like to know a more efficient way to accomplish this.

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    On every page I create, I'm still unsure about the dimensions (width and height) of the page's components. In this project I literally counted the pixels with the Photoshop ruler to be sure.

    I had difficulty with the spacing between the image, text and the borders. To try to get as close as possible to the model design I used "justify-content: space-around" and added margin/pading to the items individually.

    I believe there must be a much easier way to do it than the one I used. But it was well worth the effort.