Latest solutions
- Submitted 2 months ago
Testimonials grid section with Tailwindcss and plugin grid-areas
#tailwind-css- HTML
For a larger project, tailwindcss seems very confusing. Is this solution really correct? Or is it somehow combined with .css or what?
- Submitted 3 months ago
Four card feature section - grid - first time
#sass/scss- HTML
Is the use of SASS in development still relevant?
- Submitted 3 months ago
Recipe page - responsive img only
I think the code is long, considering how simple the page is.
- Submitted 3 months ago
@font-face - first use...
Is it okay to use for example? Or is it better to use ?
Latest comments
- @PiyushSolanki-hubSubmitted 2 months agoP@Tomas-1979Posted 2 months ago
you used tailwindcss. Good! I play with him now... :) And react... I can't rate it, I don't know it yet. ;)
But... look at the gaps between the cards, also place below the text and then also the cards width. I think there it's a fixed maximum. But these are details that everyone evaluates individually according to the design (img, or Figma file).
It looks nice overall. :)
Have a good day
0 - @KP1976Submitted 3 months agoP@Tomas-1979Posted 3 months ago
Hi, for me it looks fine.
scss/abstracts/base/components/layout... this is new for me. A lot of directories, not only one file.
Good work. :)
1 - @FadiBarbahanSubmitted 3 months agoP@Tomas-1979Posted 3 months ago
Two types of fonts (font-family) are used in this project. And also :hover for button. ;)
Look at this. :)
0 - @EasonVoraSubmitted 3 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I'm proud of learning how to use [::marker] to adjust list markers, however I would like to become more familiar with it. I used [transition: all 0.3s ease;] to help the image transition better when changing viewport sizes.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I had a lot of trouble adjusting list markers and used chatGPT to help me learn how to adjust them.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?List marker adjustments, the transition property, and media query,
P@Tomas-1979Posted 3 months agoIt looks fine... but css styles in three files? I'm a beginner, it seems confusing to me... maybe it will be good in larger projects. :)
Marked as helpful1 - @NduatiQSubmitted 3 months agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am proud of my mobile first approach in my solution where I developed first for smaller screens and made the components and content to respond in larger screens. In my next projects, I'll consider adding more breakpoints to ensure the content fits well in multiple devices.
P@Tomas-1979Posted 3 months agoGood design.
You don't have spaces in <li> tags, but I had a problem with that too.
0 - @TylerAFerreiraSubmitted 3 months agoP@Tomas-1979Posted 3 months ago
You don't have :hover. Try to read about it. It's easy. ;)