Hi Vishal congratulations on completing this challenge, but I want to give you some advices that will help you to do your challenges more responsive:
• I strongly recommend that in future challenges you use semantic HTML because its going to help other developers read and understand your code more easily. Also I see that you are using a div tag as a main when you could achieve the same purpose with a <main> tag.
• Instead of using translate property learn how to use justify-content and align-items when setting a container to display: flex;
• In both classes head and head1 instead of using a div tag learn how the use case of a span tag that will accomplish better when trying to style specific elements.
• I recommend you to use a better name conventions for your classes you could look in google about BEM for example.
• To make your code more readable I strongly suggest to put your code in a .css file and learn how to use the link tag element.
• Another recommendation dive deep in responsive design (flex, grid, relative lengths, etc...) this will help you a lot in future challenges
I hope these points will help you in the future and don't worry the more you challenges you make the better you will become.