I'm glad that I was able to finish another challenge. I think next time, I'll try to plan out what I have to do first instead of jumping straight in (I was all over the place with this one, especially trying to add accessibility into it).
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?For desktop screen sizes, I tried to use flexbox to make the picture appear next to the product content (in the media query) but it made the entire thing way too short, so I tried grid instead which worked pretty well.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Any feedback is welcome! I would also like to know why flexbox made the entire product card short when I tried to make the picture and content appear next to each other on desktop sizes while grid didn't (I couldn't figure out why). Does it have something to do with how flexbox is responsive to the children elements' sizes while grid makes the children elements conform to its set size?