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All comments

  • @RajputChirag27


    The above solution you submitted was great. Few changes must be implemented to make your solution better.

    1. Use rem instead of px.
    2. Use h tags i.e, h1,h2...,h6 instead of leaving them as it is. h tags marks the priority of the text.
    3. Last point is just a suggestion that you can use flex to make your solution more responsive and using flex will make your life easier. For E:g, To center a div you just have to set
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;  // To center the main axis x-axis if row and y-axis if column
    align-items: center;  // To center the secondary axis

    Hope you will like the feedback, if you find it helpful then upvote me. Good Day!!

  • Ecyla 20



    Could someone explain to me how to make the image visible?



    You have to upload the image folder to github. Then the image will appear too.

  • @RajputChirag27


    I reviewed your code and have some suggestions for improvement:

    1.Add comments to your code: Comments make your code more readable and understandable for other developers who may review or collaborate with you on the project. Consider adding comments that explain the purpose of each section of code and how it works.

    2.Use semantic HTML: Semantic HTML helps make your code more accessible and improves SEO. For example, you can use the <header> tag for the header section of your code, <nav> tag for navigation links, <main> tag for the main content of your page, and <footer> tag for the footer section of your page.

    3.Use more descriptive class names: While your current class names are functional, they could be more descriptive. Consider renaming some of your class names to more accurately reflect their purpose. For example, instead of using card for the main content container, you could use summary-container.

    4.Consolidate styles: You can consolidate styles by grouping similar styles together and avoid duplicating styles across different classes. This will make your CSS code more organized and easier to maintain.

    5.Make your code responsive: Currently, the layout of your code works well on larger screens but could be improved for smaller screens. Consider using media queries to adjust the layout for different screen sizes.

    Overall, your code is well-structured and easy to understand. With the suggestions above, you can make it more readable, maintainable, and user-friendly. Good luck with your project!
