What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
i am proud of undertaking this and doing it to the best of my current knowledge and ability.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
I used flex to center my overall design because i saw somewhere that that is the use for it. i don't quite understand it but it did the job
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?
css positioning and moving of items. knowing the professional thing to do when conventional moving and positioning dont seem to work, like align item to center, setting margin to auto, sometimes these dont do what you know that they do.
i think you add property that's not needed the main container you made display flex, justify content center and margin and you don't need it flex justifiy the content,the margin auto will center the element but make sure the display is block or inline-block that will make the element respect this value otherwise will not do it and when center you have many ways this will help you here and i recommand for me and i think most of the pages don't give fixed width that sometime good for something like imgs to take full width or somthing but content give it padding margin and font size but don't give fixed width (you content have overflow problem) if you want to make the both for some reason have the same with you can make display flex and every element have flex: 1 or flex-grow 1 will give all free spaces to all as same and yeah if you have another question and want to ask feel free to ask :D and i recommand you to watch people on youtube make projects on youtube and watch how they do it do like html and css portfolio project or e-commerce and learn the concept not coping specialy the container concept that's really important for responsive, see how he split the hero section how he manage the grid or flex i would recommand alzero web school if you speak arabic only otherwise you will not understand and yeah enjoy your coding
i think your question is you want to if i clicked on one radio the other get uncheck auto if that and you still did not got it give the both input the attribute name with the same value like this name="mobile-radio" for both
thats would be better if you used something like hight 100vh and reduce the font size padding and margin if there is and make grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr) and give to every one grid-area to make every one in place like column start 1 end 3 to first one to take two columns and if you needed something else feel free to ask me
i loved it so much it so perfect and the best thing your respect you religion even if that will not be the same i really loved and respect that, all respect to you , eid mubarak
hello , small trick in your solution in the green word see how fylo work to make this green word lighter on hover try to add filter:brightness(1.5); in the hover it will make your word lighter and will make it like the design and hope my code helped you , and perfect solution :D
i think when your page get smaller it get broke
what about try this code
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px) {
it when page get less than 700px it will do what you want in page instead of using min max to for the @media to make the page more responsive
and hope my comment was helpful for you