I've done another challenge! 🎉
It's hard to find the exact RegEx that I want to validate user inputs. For the email RegEx, I already created by myself so I did just copy-paste from previous solution. For the name RegEx, I created a RegEx where the user's first name and last name should have at least a vowel letter and two characters long. Password RegEx that I wanted was difficult to find. However, I finally found a gist that contains the password RegEx that I wanted.
I added two new features such as
- Users are able to toggle the password visibility so they can see what they've typed.
- Users can see the password length so they don't have to count it by themselves.
These features were added based on my users' stories.
I have no questions however, any feedback is appreciated.
Any questions on the technique that I'm using are welcome! 😁
Also, if you have finished this challenge and would like me to give feedback on it, please include a link to your solution. I would be glad to help you! 😀