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All comments

  • @MohanadOO


    Great design and responsiveness, The animation is beautiful 👍♥

    شغل نظيف ما شاء الله , الله يقويك ✌

  • @MohanadOO


    Amazing Work!

    Beautiful transitions and responsiveness keep going 👍

  • @MohanadOO


    Good Work I like the loading Animation 👍

    • I would suggest that you set the header background size to cover because on my screen the header background was not taking the whole width. background-size: cover; will do the trick.

    • Also I see that you used justify-content: space-between; in each content container (IP Address, Location, Time Zone, and ISP) It is making a space between the title and the text that is not necessary so I would suggest that you remove for all of them and that will make it look cleaner.

  • @MohanadOO


    Good Work on the Design it looks clean!

    By the way, the button does not generate new advice when I clicked on it the problem is from the link you put to fetch data from:

    You can change the link to this one here and one more trick is that to add this after the fetch { cache: 'no-cache' } for example:

    fetch('', {
        cache: 'no-cache',

    This will decrease the time to show each advice by asking cashes to validate the response with the origin server before reuse.

    I don't actually know very well what it is doing 😆 but you can read more about it Here

    I hope this feedback helps you fix the request problem in your code and increase the response speed as well ✌

    Marked as helpful

  • @MohanadOO


    Great Work, I liked how you did the flip animation when pressing the submit button.

    I would suggest one more thing that I did is to disable the button when there is no button is selected.

    To do that you have first to change <button></button> to be an <input type="button" value="Submit"/> and probably you have to add text-align: center to center the text.

    After that in your script you can disable the button onload by adding:

    const submitbtn = document.querySelector('.submit') 
    window.onload = () => {
        submitbtn.disabled = true

    You can style the button when it is disabled in the CSS like this:

    .submit:disabled {
        background-color: hsl(25, 97%, 53%, 40%);
        pointer-evnets: none;

    And finally, when the user clicks on any of the review buttons it should remove the disabled attribute from the submit button it can be done by making it false submitBtn.disabled = false

    I hope this adds something useful for you! 😀👍

    Marked as helpful
