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IP Adress tracker



Desktop design screenshot for the IP Address Tracker coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • API
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback



Good Work I like the loading Animation 👍

  • I would suggest that you set the header background size to cover because on my screen the header background was not taking the whole width. background-size: cover; will do the trick.

  • Also I see that you used justify-content: space-between; in each content container (IP Address, Location, Time Zone, and ISP) It is making a space between the title and the text that is not necessary so I would suggest that you remove for all of them and that will make it look cleaner.




@MohanadOO Hi Thank you for your feednack

i justed follewed the instruction given at challenge.

i really appreciate your feedback


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