Latest comments
- @MaziluROSubmitted over 4 years ago@MaziluROPosted over 4 years ago
I accidentally submitted the wrong project so I took the challenge again.
0 - @MaziluROSubmitted over 4 years ago@MaziluROPosted over 4 years ago
Oops, I just noticed I forgot to add alt texts to some images. I remember from my first challenge that those texts are for SEO purposes. I will be more careful.
0 - @MaziluROSubmitted over 5 years ago@MaziluROPosted over 5 years ago
Hello all,
Declan, thank you for your feedback. Really appreciate it and will keep your tips in mind in the future challenges. I am learning from a course on Udemy and this website was recommended there. Regarding Flexbox and grids, I am now learning about Bootstrap but I will look into that reource page Argelomnes mentioned. About the .tool divs:you said I should use IDs only with Javascript. Should I add different class names to each div and one common class? Like class="tool team-builder", class="tool karma", class="tool calculator", class="tool supervisor".