Matias Lombardi
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Página de receta - React Typescript
#react#typescript#viteSubmitted 5 months agoMe gusataría recibir ayuda con el estilado de mis componentes y del proyecto en general, dado que seguro se pueden aplicar mejores practicas.
Perfil Social con React and Typescript
#react#typescript#viteSubmitted 5 months agoI would like assistance in implementing more advanced CSS techniques, such as animations or transitions, to enhance user interaction. Additionally, help with improving the project’s state management, especially handling asynchronous data from an API, would be valuable. I'd also appreciate guidance on how to better test components using Jest or Testing Library to ensure the robustness of the application as it grows.
Card Preview Responsive - React
#react#viteSubmitted 6 months agoI would like to receive help to further optimize the design, particularly to refine the CSS to ensure a more consistent and smooth layout across all screen sizes. I would also appreciate guidance on how to improve the overall project performance, such as using best practices for image optimization and lazy loading. Additionally, I am interested in learning how to incorporate more advanced CSS techniques, like animations or transitions, to enhance user interaction and engagement. Feedback on how to make the codebase more modular and maintainable would also be valuable.
Card eleaborada con React y CSS module
#react#viteSubmitted 6 months agoMe gustaría recibir ayuda específicamente para mejorar la estructura de mis componentes en React. Algunos aspectos en los que me gustaría enfocarme son: Descomposición de Componentes: Quisiera aprender a descomponer mis componentes en subcomponentes más pequeños y reutilizables. Uso de Hooks Personalizados: Estoy interesado en explorar la creación y el uso de hooks personalizados. Patrones de Composición: Me gustaría entender mejor cómo implementar patrones de composición de componentes.