Todo application with vanilla javascript , HTML, CSS.
This web application will store the todos in web local storage.
Todo application with vanilla javascript , HTML, CSS.
This web application will store the todos in web local storage.
Hello, congratulations on finishing the challenge! I noticed that the app is not filtering the active todo correctly, as it is showing me the same results as the 'view all' option. Additionally, I recommend adding this CSS code to the <ul/> tag that contains the todos so that the content does not get too long on the screen when there are many todos: max-height: 70vh; overflow-y: scroll;.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Hello, congratulations on finishing the challenge! Some recommendations I would like to give you are to use outline: 2px solid var(--orange); instead of border: 2px solid var(--orange); in .profile-img:hover so that it does not affect the design composition when you add the border. And regarding accessibility errors, I recommend using <div/> instead of <button/>.
Hi Fam. My solution for the Todo-App-Main
You can tell me if there's any P, Yeah, there's always something 😊
Hello, your challenge is really great, but I noticed a bug when I mark a to-do as "completed" in the "all" or "completed" section, as they are automatically deleted.
HI I just completed this challenge, plz check it out & let me know what else I need to improve, & Also I added the "key pressing" functionality too, to make it more unique. Plz check it & let me know.
Hi friend, Congratulations for finish this challenge.
The div .container you can to replace for a tags main for avoid the landmark errors.That error is for not using the tags required for a good layout in html
Hi. Any feedback would be appreciated
Hola Tarik310
Felicidades por terminar el reto !
Te recomiendo cambiar las etiquetas <div class="content"> por la etiqueta <Main> y la etiqueta <div class="text"> por la etiqueta <footer> . A las etiquetas <img> te recomiendo llenar también el atributo alt="" por ejemplo alt="perfil"
Y así evitar algunos errores en landmarks
Buen trabajo y suerte!
This is my first advanced projects. If you have time please take a look at my code and advice me some best practices. Thank you all.
Buen trabajo ¡
Me anime y empezare ah realizar este reto también ¡
Creo que te equivocaste de Challenge
Hello everyone! Any feedback is welcome and appreciated! Happy coding all!
Hi @BaurakOzcancf !
Nice job! I'm going to add this challenge to my profile. I loved it
!Hello ritikparte01
Congratulations on finishing the challenge.
I recommend you change the label
<div class="card"></div>
for the label
<main class="card"></main>Or write it this way
<div role="main" class="card"></div>And enclose the attribution tag like this
<footer> <div class="attribution"> </footer>To avoid landmark errors
good job and good luck !
Hello @RafaellaSSouza
Congratulations on finishing the challenge!
I recommend you change the label
<div class="cardcard"></div>for the label
<main></main>To remove the annoying Landmarks bug
Good job and good luck!
Hi all! This was a fun challenge! Please feel free to take a look and send any feedback, I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thanks everyone!
Hello Sarah-C-Arvin
Congratulations on finishing the challenge!
Your challenge page doesn't work because your GitHub project is inside a folder... And GitHub Pages doesn't work if your index.html is inside a folder... So what you have to do is check out your project from that folder and upload it again.
good job and good luck
Hello Karlof99
Congratulations on finishing the challenge !.
Regarding your question, the header is mostly used when creating a navbar or something similar, you don't need to put it in the code, it won't help you.
When you see the code it leaves you a recommendation, in the width of the card put a width in this way
.card {
Width: Max(20%, 20rem);
Instead of
.card {
width: 20%;
Since the view of your card on mobile devices looks very thin
And if you want to have a good order in your project, I recommend that you create a folder to save the image files, the default name is "assets" and you omit the index.html and the style.css.
good job in advance and good luck!