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All comments

  • Fayozxon 530



    Hello my friend

    I see that the description text on the hero section is two lines on the design, but your is one line and really makes it difficult and uncomfortable to read.

    To solve this problem I suggest you to use the css max-width property. It does not let the element exceed the given width limit.

    For example if you set max-width: 500px the maximum width the text can reach is 500px, in this way you can easily solve the problem.

    Good luck with the future projects!

    Marked as helpful

  • @Abubakar-Tanko


    Feedbacks are welcomed and if there is any thing that needs correction please feel free to tell. Thank you in advance 🙂

    Fayozxon 530



    Hello Abubakar Tanko.

    When I looked at your code I noticed that you used id's in css and I don't think it is best practice. I would suggest you to use id's only for javascript and classes for css.

    Good luck in your future projects.

    Marked as helpful

  • Fayozxon 530



    Just a quick reminder: the favicon is still vite logo, i would recommend chaning it.

  • @Muhammadjewel


    Challenge #9 is completed 🎉

    Thanks to Grace Snow I changed my approach to responsive design. Changed px to em and rem when applicable.

    Also, I used a bit different style of naming/structuring custom properties.

    Any constructive feedback is welcome.

    Fayozxon 530



    For naming variables you can use Kevin Powell's method.

    Instead of --color-primary-bg, you should write repeatitive words first, (also suggest short forms) like --clr-bg-primary or --clr-txt-secondary

    I would also suggest you to use variables not just for colors or shadows but also font sizes.

    Marked as helpful

  • Fayozxon 530



    Hello, Rhinozer0s. Congratulations on your first project! It is great but you should adjust the size of the cards (maybe by giving some padding) and the shadow (in the design it looks softer) and also, you I suggest you using semantic elements on HTML like h3 instead of span or div for a text. Good luck on your next project!

  • Shaxboz 1,230



    Hello everyone! I have just completed this project! It was very fun to build and there are many issues but it is working just fine.

    I wanted to suggest a group project if anyone is interested. I would like to do advanced level project with a team. I think that it would be very not only interesting but also helpful.

    Fayozxon 530



    I was also doing this project (although i don't have acces to this challenge, i copied from preview) and I am using VueJS and Bootstrap, Sass. You can find the site preview and source code on telegram: @fayozhons

  • Fayozxon 530



    Hi Shaxboz! I have a few suggestion for this project:

    • you should use semantic HTML elements like <section> or <header>
    • the website has a horizontal scroll which should be avoided
    • it must be adaptive to various devices
    • whole website is left-aligned, not center You should probably check the code and consider rebuilding Good luck

    Marked as helpful

  • Shaxboz 1,230



    Hello !!! It was easy and fun to build! Hope you guys will find this challenge as much easy as I did

    Good luck!

    Fayozxon 530



    Hi Shaxboz, I think you should make the shadow softer as in original design, because it looks a bit unprofessional. Good luck

  • Fayozxon 530



    Hi Ohiole! I suggest you to make the shadow softer as in original design. Good luck!

  • Fayozxon 530



    hi gabriela, i think you should change the favicon, because it still the icon of vue
