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All comments

  • @Ehtish


    Hello @dazzlerabhi30800, Congratulations on completing challenge. I have analyze your code. Add the Following code to improve your layout.

    .navbar {
        padding block:2rem;
    /*Note: Remove your navbar padding */
    /*Add your gray curve  image */
        background-image: url(images/bg-curve-desktop.svg);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: bottom center;
  • @Ehtish


    Hello Eero, Congratulations on completing challenge. You have done a great job with media query.

    Few suggestions if you don't mind:

    • For next project, I suggest, try to make your font size responsive with one line of code. how you can do this describe below:
    html{ font-size: 62.5%; }
    /* For mobile */
    @media(min-width: 480px){
    font-size: 55%;
    • To see much more details about this code click
    • Add live url to your readme on github. It will be very benefical to showcase your work.

    best of luck

  • Zajac 150



    My first time working with API. All feedbacks are welcome



    You have done a great work. If you don't mind, I want to add some value regarding your github repository. I have analyzed your github repository. I highly recommend you to add file in the project repository. In this way you showcase your project on github easily.

    • Go to project repo and add readme file.
    • add below code: live url: []() live url: project
    • save it and see the result.
  • @jlmunozfdev


    I'm still having problems with the component overflow part when shrinking the screen. Even if you apply responsive layouts to elements, there are sizes where some components overflow. If someone could advise me on how I could improve I would be delighted.



    After analyzing your code.

    "Important Suggestion and code for you"

    ** Write your responsive.css (media query) code in the end of style.css file & remove extra file responsive.css ...? why?? see in point 2 **

    1. In style.css. Remove flex direction:column; in .section__container class

    2. Save your time (Follow DRY principle):

    • DRY = Don't Repeat Yourself.
    • if you add your media query code in the end of style.css file.
    • then you have only write few lines of code mention below:
      	.section__container {
          	flex-direction: row;
      	/* there is no need to write
      	other extra codes because we already 
      	write above....(style.css)
      	As a result 
      		- save time 
      		- improve code quality
      		- fast development */	

    Marked as helpful
