Hi there, I'm Tuan Anh and this is my solution for this challenge
Built with
- TailwindCSS
Any suggestions on how I can improve my code are welcome
Thank you 😊.
Hi there, I'm Tuan Anh and this is my solution for this challenge
Built with
Any suggestions on how I can improve my code are welcome
Thank you 😊.
Please I'm currently learning tailwind css. Can you connect with me on twitter so you can help me in the installation process?
👾 Hello, Frontend Mentor community,
This is my solution for the QR Code Component.
👨🔬 Follow me in my journey to finish all newbie challenges to explore solutions with custom features and tweaks
Ill be happy to hear any feedback and advice!
Please take a look at my solution. I want you to suggest to me how to improve on it.
I'm starting to use relative measurement units so I'd like tips and advice.
The first thing here is to center the container both vertically and horizontally.
body {
display: flex;
place-items: center;
In this case your container will find itself at the very center of the browser.
Note that I've replaced justify-content and align-items center with place-items: center; and it still does the same thing.
Pure html, css, and bootstrap card price component.
Nice work dear. Honestly I did almost the same thing you did. By the same thing, I meant an unresponsive card.
Four months later, I got more ideas to turn my code into mobile version but I have to leave it there so that I will get back to eat at some point in time and be motivated of how I have improved
You can position the card at the center of your page by applying these snippets
body { display: grid; place-items: center; min-height: 100vh; }
Secondly, your work is not responsive to mobile device.
If you are using grid, in your media query, you can apply
container{ grid-template-columns: 1fr; }
To make it single column on mobile device.
Thirdly, the topography of your card doesn't correlate with the actual design. The actual design doesn't have a button shadow.