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    Any feedback is appreciated!

    I focused a bit more in the functionality this time around, I'm s till new to React and learning!

    I'm not sure if my folder structure is the best, or if I'm sharing the data between components correctly. I'm also not sure if my control of the state is the best, I decided to use an object state due to the high amount of state variables I had to use, I had to create another state for the input validation though because otherwise it would update one single input at a time and delete the result of the others (if they were correct or not)

  • Submitted

    Any feedback is appreciated!

    Haven't done this in a while, I didn't quite manage to be able to vertically center the text that's inside the buttons, the footer and the final rating

  • Submitted

    Feedback is appreciated

    This is my very first React application! I decided I had to use a framework now that I'm in the JUNIOR challenges. If there's anything (and i'm sure there will be) that can be improved, you can tell me right away

    This time I didn't try to make it pixel perfect since I was focusing more on React

    I tried adding custom hover effects on the icons, custom animation for changing the option, and you can also delete a card by clicking on the three dots (I wanted to make a menu to do more stuff, but I wanted to finish it)

    Things I'm uncomfortable with are the way I used images and the CSS being global instead for each component

  • Submitted

    Feedback is appreciated.

    This time I tried a different approach on the form validation, it will validate both after pressing the button and while typing the email.

    I also tried to automate the HTML font-size change on breakpoints with a while loop, since I believe everything is made with em and rem, it should work fine

    I'm still not sure if the modifier handling is correct, and I'm also unsure if the "form__inputContainer" containing the input and the error message is the best option

  • Submitted

    Feedback is appreciated.

    I'm not sure if the way I handled correctly the differences in the textblock component's modifier, specifically changing its children, refering to the way the BEM model.

    I feel that if it should be a reusable component, having to change the class of each child over the modifier used on the parent component would be kinda bad, but I'm not sure if the way I managed it is correct anyways,

  • Submitted

    Feedback is appreciated.

    I decided to make custom animations on this one since it was relatively easier than the previous ones, I hope everything looks fine

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    Feedback is appreciated

    This is the first time I've ever attempted to use the BEM model, if anything is wrong or could be improved you can tell me

  • Submitted

    Feedback is appreciated. Second project using SCSS, I added custom hover effects on the cards and its images. This was a fun challenge!

  • Submitted

    Feedback is appreciated.

    I tried using SCSS for the first time in an actual project/challenge. I added some tiny hover effects on the image and the icons

  • Submitted

    Feedback would be appreciated.

    I made custom hover effects for the reviews and the testimonials since there weren't any requested for this challenge. I also tried to work on the responsiveness of the page