Brandon Jr Cortez
@BrandonJr20All comments
- @faaazySubmitted 9 days ago
- @ChikairoSubmitted 11 days ago@BrandonJr20Posted 11 days ago
Una posible funcionalidad, piensa para que funcionara el boton de descartar subscripcion, ya que queda sin funcionalidad alguna, podrias implentarlo para regresar al formulario o redireccionarlo a otro sitio.
Te hace falta agregar la validacion desde la parte del javascript, esto agrega un nivel de seguridad para que tu sitio no sea tan vulnerable.
Marked as helpful0 - @BunchydoSubmitted 12 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I'm most proud of the fact that I got the javascript working in a sort of way.
What I would do differently next time is find other more efficient ways to create a the share container that pops up when I click on the share button.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The challenges I encountered were getting the share container that shows up when the share button is clicked to stay over the share button as in being centered over it and allowing it to stay over it when the screen size changes.
I did not overcome this challenge.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I would like help with getting the share container that shows up when the share button is clicked to stay over the share button as in being centered over it and allowing it to stay over it when the screen size changes.
@BrandonJr20Posted 12 days agoMe gusta mucho tu solucion en cuanto al boton, considero que el unico aspecto a mejorar para que sea mas intuitivo es utilizar la propiedad hover para cuando pasen el mouse sobre el boton de compartir muestre el puntero de otra manera, pero mas alla, me gusto mucho tu solucion.
0 - @BunchydoSubmitted 23 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am most proud of the fact that
(1)it is taking me less time to develop simple things. (2) I was able to research and find the solution to making grids of different lengths and widths
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The challenge I encountered was aligning the text in the different grids to be the same level as in the design. I was not able to overcome this challenge
Another challenge i encountered was creating grids of different sizes. For example having one grid span 2 columns. I overcame this challenge by creating more columns than were needed so that I would have more control over each grid.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?I would like help with aligning the text in the different grids to be the same level as in the design.
I would also like help with how to make responsive designs easier.
And finally, the best approach to start with. For eg: Should i start with adding all the html elements first then style using css?
Thank you in advance.
@BrandonJr20Posted 23 days agoMe gusta mucho tu diseno, un aspecto que podrias mejorar seria las dimensiones de las imagenes, ya que se ven un poco estiradas.
Como recomendacion, procura darle al img un width del 100%, asi no afectara las dimensiones.
0 - @loiccapeSubmitted 23 days ago@BrandonJr20Posted 23 days ago
Me gusta mucho tu proyecto, creo que un aspecto es el fondo y lo redondo de las cajas
0 - @danesp93Submitted 26 days ago@BrandonJr20Posted 25 days ago
Puedes centrar aun mas tu vista, ya que quedo algo desajustado, una recomendacion es usar el height al 100vh en el body, asi a la hora de que aplique el display flex, quede bien alineado
0 - @espringer21Submitted 29 days agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
I am most proud my ability to complete the task. I think for next time i can maybe research a more sufficient way of complete the task.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?Any feedback will be appreciated.
@BrandonJr20Posted 29 days agoMe gusta mucho el estilo y como distribuiste el contenido en el codigo. Creo que el unico detalle que debes cuidar es el uso del margin y padding, pero se que podemos mejorar.
0 - @TonyzCataldoSubmitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
To next challenge i pretend to learn and use Tailwind CSS.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?I had some difficulties with font sizes and weights... I don't know why, but I feel like something is different between the design and my page. and I found some difficulties with heights and widtchs.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?How can I have a proportion parameter for my elements?
@BrandonJr20Posted about 1 month agoA simple vista el tamano de la imagen y la fuente!
0 - @Randomgituser69Submitted about 1 month ago@BrandonJr20Posted about 1 month ago
Un par de mejoras quiza la fuente no es la adecuada y al pasar el mouse sobre el texto, no cambia adecuadamente el color.
0 - @vw-baskSubmitted about 1 month agoWhat are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?
It's been a while since I've written in plain CSS. In my day to day job I use a combination of SCSS, Bootstrap and occasionally Tailwind. It was interesting to see how far regular plain CSS has come, even if some features such as nesting isn't compatible on all browsers.
Not sure what I would do differently next time. This was a fairly simple component.
What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?The only challenges I encountered was not being able to see exact dimensions, and spacing between elements. I expected the Figma file to not just contain an image of the component. I had to guess at border radiuses, padding, margins, etc and compare between the static images and the rendered component.
What specific areas of your project would you like help with?There's many ways to code the same thing. Are there new HTML/CSS techniques of shaving down code that I didn't utilize?
I'm also seeing one accessibility flag: "Document should have one main landmark". I added a Main element with the role of main. Read through this documentation,, and still confused as to what I am missing.
@BrandonJr20Posted about 1 month agoNo estoy seguro en que aspectos deba mejorar, seguramente en el uso de margenes, por que ahi se distorsiono un poco mi diseno con el que solicitan,