Thinker | Front end developer
I’m currently learning...NextJS + styled components And i'm optimizing for the following skills in my learning journey: Beautiful web experience, Accessibility and performance, Beautiful web experience, Design + UI.
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- @paulauskas-linasSubmitted over 2 years ago@Blazing-MikePosted over 2 years ago
This looks great! It is mobile responsive and the validation works well. If you want improve it, you can work on the password validation to accepts on >= 6 characters ( and combination of letters, numbers and symbols). The CSS looks great as well !
1 - @MimieveshofuoSubmitted over 2 years ago@Blazing-MikePosted over 2 years ago
Great job you did here. Everything looks perfect, the only suggestion i have is the password input; it accepts an input of even two characters, in the password validation you can add that it returns an error for password <= 6 characters. If you want to go further you can add that it contains a combination of letters or symbols and numbers. Well-done Elizabeth
Marked as helpful1 - @Blazing-MikeSubmitted over 3 years ago@Blazing-MikePosted over 3 years ago
Hmmn it's looks a bit distorted and I need to refactor the code
0 - @fame0100Submitted over 3 years ago@Blazing-MikePosted over 3 years ago
Great attempt 🚀🚀. You should check if your body by any means has margin because there are little spaces around the page..... Did you use different images for desktop and mobile? You can use the picture element or use media queries to display different image of viewports
0 - @EsmithASSubmitted over 3 years ago@Blazing-MikePosted over 3 years ago
grande tentative que vous avez eu ... Pixel parfait et pour détailler. continuons à nous améliorer et à construire
0 - @mraafat2021Submitted over 3 years ago@Blazing-MikePosted over 3 years ago
On your mobile view. The image section before the footer should have four images displayed horizontally. You can use display grid or flex for that section and also use media queries to tweak any element you want to on different viewports