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    Product page using React (desktop only)

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I got a chance to practice styled-components with React. I know I only scratched the surface of the styled component possibilities, but it was a great experience for me as I see you can do a lot more with them.

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    React, React Router v6.4, tailwindCSS project

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS
    • API


    It was an interesting challenge. It was nice to work with this project and practice react-router deeper. Of course, I need more practice with it and probably build a more complex app, to apply move navigation within the program. Also, my first try using tailwindCSS, appreciate it more than Bootstrap so far. :)

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    The solution to this challenge is designed for desktop use only. While my main goal for this project was to further my understanding of React and its newly acquired hooks, I acknowledge that the layout lacks responsiveness for mobile viewports.

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    It was good practice to strengthen my React skills, although I encountered a problem with the search button click. With React I didn't know how to implement the button click and read the value from the input field, I just implemented it to listen for a keyPress "Enter".

    Maybe someone could guide me how to implement and solve this issue. :)

  • Submitted

    Landing page using CSS grid and Flexbox

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JS


    I was unsuccessful with darkening the main window after a hamburger menu was active. Instead, I just used a light shadow on the left side, to make an illusion that the menu is put forward. Maybe someone would share their knowledge of how to implement that, which would be very helpful.

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    It was a nice practice of simple and elegant card element.

    I didn't face any difficulties building this QR card component.