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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    #Pixel Perfect #Responsive

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Hello everyone,

    I hope you're all doing well! I recently designed an upload component for Frontend Mentor and I'm seeking your valuable feedback to enhance the user experience. Your insights and suggestions would be immensely helpful in refining the design and ensuring it meets the needs of our users effectively.

    Visual Design: Does the design of the upload component align well with the overall aesthetics of the page? Are there any visual elements that could be improved for better clarity and engagement?

    Accessibility: Are there any accessibility considerations that need to be addressed to ensure all users can easily interact with the upload component? implemented to improve performance?

    Please feel free to share any additional thoughts or suggestions you may have. Your feedback is highly valued and will contribute to making the upload component a more seamless and enjoyable experience for our users.

    Thank you all for your time and support!

    Best regards, Ahmar Iftikhar

  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    "Completed the challenge using HTML and CSS for the structure and styling, incorporated small GSAP animations for a dynamic touch, and utilized JavaScript to enhance functionality. Check out the live version! #Frontend #WebDevelopment #GSAP #JavaScript" Live Page url :

  • Submitted

    **Hey everyone! **

    I'm working on an e-commerce product page design using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and GSAP animations. I'd love to get some feedback from the community to help me improve it.

    Here's what I'm particularly interested in:

    Overall visual design and user experience (UX): Does the layout look clean and user-friendly? Is it easy to navigate and find the information you need? Responsiveness: Does the page adapt well to different screen sizes (desktop, mobile, etc.)? Functionality: Are the interactive elements (e.g., product thumbnails, add to cart button) working as intended? Code quality and maintainability: Is the code well-structured, easy to understand, and maintainable?

  • Submitted

    Hey developers,

    I've just pushed my code online and would love your input! If you have a moment, could you please take a look and share any suggestions or improvements? Your expertise is invaluable, and I'm eager to enhance my project. Thanks a bunch!

    Repository Link: [ ] \

    Cheers, [Your Name]

  • Submitted


    • HTML
    • CSS


    Responsive design using media queries. Custom fonts, clean typography, and a cohesive color scheme. Well-organized HTML structure with semantic tags. Effective use of CSS variables for consistent styling. Utilization of flexbox and grid for layout. Stylish handling of images, particularly the omelette image. Elegant styling of lists and tables. Consideration of accessibility with alt attributes for images. Reusable classes and thoughtful commenting for code readability.

  • Submitted

    Sure, I can help you with a message that you can use to ask for community feedback on your multi-step form setup. Here's a sample message:

    šŸš€ Hi Awesome Community! Help Needed for Multi-Step Form Setup! šŸš€

    Hey everyone! šŸ‘‹ I hope you're doing great. I've been working on a multi-step form for a project, and I'd love to get your valuable feedback and suggestions to make it even better.

    šŸ‘‰ Link to the Form

    What I'm Looking For: User Experience (UX): How does the form feel? Is the flow intuitive for you? Design: Any thoughts on the visual design and layout? Does it look appealing? Functionality: Does everything work as expected? Any bugs or issues you notice? Improvement Suggestions: Are there any features or improvements you'd recommend? Feel free to take a look and share your thoughts. Your insights are incredibly valuable, and I appreciate your time and expertise! šŸ™Œ

    Thank you so much! šŸš€

  • Submitted

    I'm failed to make it responsive on small devices less than 450px.Is any one help me. bcz i used pseudo classes for maiking images overflow from the any one help me?

  • Submitted

    Is anyone tell me how to reduce the file size of tailwindcss with PurgeCss. This Helps Me alot.

  • Submitted

    I'm Learning tailwind_css bcz making responsive designs very easy with it. In this project i combine vanila_css + tailwind_css. Review my code and gave suggestion for improvements.And Thanks!

  • Submitted

    only for xl_devices not responsive on small devices.can anyone suggest me how to learn Tailwind css faster.And Thanks!

  • Submitted

    I'm using the combination of vanila_css + Tailwind.css.Tailwind_css is awesome.Please check my code gave suggestions for improvement.And Thanks!.

  • Submitted

    Please! i can fix vertical overflow on the main container.i use over-flow:hidden; but the content is how i can fix it.

  • Submitted

    i'm using tailwind css + vanila css in this project.gave suggestions for code improvement.

  • Submitted

    First_time_i_m_using_tailwind_css_for_this_project.Tailwind css is very helpful for making responsive web pages.Please!Check my code and gave me suggestions for improvment.And Thanks!