@yusfulltestAll solutions
Bookmark landing page
#bootstrapSubmitted 9 months agoI will appreciate any feedbacks/ advice on Javascript. I think I may be writing too many codes to get the functionality. Any idea on how I can improve will be appreciated
Blogr landing page
#bootstrapSubmitted 9 months agoTo continue learning JavaScript in order to improve
Chat app CSS illustration
#bootstrapSubmitted 10 months agoThe last bit. Mobile version look. My mobile version is responsive for all devices even beyond 320 screen size. If I increase the length of the mobile to a much larger height, the (SIMPLE BOOKING) doesn't follow the bottom div. Maybe its nothing to worry about but other people's project looks different in that area. I will appreciate anyone who preview my work and suggest what to improve on Note: I used PX for the mobile design and no mobile is 2000px in height, Maybe Its nothing to worry about but I will appreciate recommendations.
Combination of HTML, CSS and BOOTSTRAPS to reduce writing many codes
#bootstrapSubmitted 10 months agoI will like to spend less time on upcoming project by having the right layout from the beginning. Understanding a decide and having the right layout will will when dealing with responsiveness. So, Layout is an area I will like to improve on at this moment.