@welpmozAll solutions
Responsive Loopstudios Landing Page using CSS methodologies
#accessibility#cube-css#sass/scss#typescript#reactPSubmitted 18 days agoI need help with accessibility, especially when opening a menu. Which ARIA attributes should I use?
Responsive and Interactive NFT preview card component
#accessibility#bem#cube-css#sass/scssPSubmitted 23 days agoResponsive News Homepage
#accessibility#bem#react#sass/scss#typescriptPSubmitted 28 days agoAny suggestions are welcome 👍!
Contact Form Using SASS and React
#accessibility#parcel#react-hook-form#sass/scss#typescriptPSubmitted about 2 months agoI need help with accessibility implementation. Any improvement or observation will be appreciated!
Fully Interactive FAQ Accordion using only HTML and CSS
#accessibility#sass/scss#bemPSubmitted 3 months agoAny suggestion is welcome!
Interactive Rating Componente build with SASS and Javascript
#accessibility#sass/scss#animationPSubmitted 3 months agoI think my solution works well on different screen sizes. However, I’d like it to look good when zooming in too, as there’s currently an overflow issue at the top. Any suggestions to fix this without affecting functionality would be greatly appreciated.
Beatiful Frontend Quiz App with Theme Switcher using Next,SASS and BEM
#bem#next#semantic-uiPSubmitted 3 months agoAny suggestions or feedback are welcome.
Responsive Workit Landing Page using SASS and BEM
#animation#bem#sass/scss#semantic-uiPSubmitted 4 months agoAny improvements or suggestions will be appreciated!
Password generator and strength verification using css, html and js
#bem#progressive-enhancement#pure-css#animationPSubmitted 4 months agoI need assistance with the use of labels for checkboxes. While my solution works, I’m encountering issues with the clickable area between the label and the ::before pseudo-element, which behaves unexpectedly.
Responsive Tip Calculator using CSS and vanilla JS for interactivity
#accessibility#animation#bem#pure-css#web-componentsPSubmitted 4 months agoAny feedback is appreciated!
Responsive & Interactive Time Tracking Dashboard using CSS & JS
#accessibility#animation#pure-css#web-components#progressive-enhancementPSubmitted 4 months agoAny feedback is appreciated
Interactive Newsletter SignUp Responsive Page with Vanilla JS and CSS
#accessibility#pure-css#web-components#animationPSubmitted 4 months agoI need someone who help me with the transition from the success page to the form page.
Beatiful Article Preview with Social Links Share
#accessibility#pure-css#web-components#progressive-enhancementPSubmitted 4 months agoI need help in responsive image management. My solution in this topic is not elegant and maybe not optimal.
Fully Responsive Meeting Platform for all People
#accessibility#web-components#pure-cssPSubmitted 4 months agoCSS Grid Responsive Testimonial Section
#accessibility#pure-css#semantic-ui#animationPSubmitted 4 months agoAny suggestions or observations is appreciated.
Responsive Product Component with CSS grid and Media Queries
#accessibility#semantic-ui#web-componentsPSubmitted 5 months agoResponsive Recipe Page using Media Queries
#semantic-ui#web-components#accessibilityPSubmitted 5 months agoResponsive Social Links Profile using CSS grid
#accessibility#semantic-uiPSubmitted 5 months agoI urgently need help with documenting my code. I feel like I might be overlooking many things that could be very helpful to others.
Blog Card Page using CSS grid
#accessibility#web-componentsPSubmitted 5 months agoI feel that in projects requiring responsive design, I will need some help.
Beatiful QR Component in all screens
PSubmitted 6 months agoI need help in semantic HTML, I only have basic aknowledge in these field.