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    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Somehow this is my first time using table 😅
    2. Customizing table marker was such a massive headache
    3. It's easier to create your own custom bullet rather than customizing it using ::marker pseudo element
    4. Center bullet point vertically using inline-block and vertical align middle(

    My question to the community: Have you all use ::marker pseudo-element before?

  • Submitted

    At first, passing value from child component to parent component is hard, but after few times, I get grasp at the concept, somehow this is almost the hardest for my to solve

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Passing value from child component to parent component

    My question to the community: Nothing, But almost give up on this one :)

  • Submitted

    My first react validation that use Zod Validation for schema definition

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Using Zod for simplifying my form validation

    My question to the community: Any validation recommendation beside Zod? Probably a simpler one!

  • Submitted

    At first i want to use marker pseudo-element for the icon-list.svg for the list, but it turns out, it have lack of positioning, ended up spending 2 hours just to troubleshoot that, my worst mistake yet. Also somehow font inside the font folder, didn't match with the design, that's the quirk that I find.

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Don't use marker pseudo-element if you want to customize(heavily) the list marker.

    My question to the community: Why the font inside the font folder is not the same as in the design? Should I use google font instead?

  • Submitted

    My first simple react card that use tailwind, sometimes it quite challenging to use tailwind, but the result is awesome!

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Integrating tailwind with react vite
    2. Configuring vite build and base

    My question to the community: Nothing, Still Keep Pushing Forward

  • Submitted

    I Added simple clicked animation when you hovered to the card. Just experimenting

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Just Practicing from what i've learned before

    My question to the community: Nothing, great so far

  • Submitted

    Should have used tailwind for this project instead

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Just Practicing from what i've learned before

    My question to the community: Nothing, great so far

  • Submitted


    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Just Practicing from what i've learned before

    My question to the community: Nothing, great so far

  • Submitted

    After I learn how to use React, for now all my project that use JavaScript will use react(and next.js probably) in the future, it such a nice dev experience to use react along with typescript.

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Using Vite React TypeScript
    2. react-hook-form as form validation and error

    My question to the community: I think color in the is not quite matches with the design, do anyone feel the same?

  • Submitted


    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Discovering the magic of height auto

    My question to the community: Nothing, great so far

    Update Just doing some revision, the sass styling is doom to hell 😭, reading it just painful(Update 4 Feb 2023)

  • Submitted

    I didn't use any javascript on this, just max-height hack

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Using max-height for displaying hidden item

    My question to the community: Nothing.

  • Submitted

    Using auto margin and flex for positioning is something new to me.

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Positioning items using auto margin, flex and grid

    My question to the community: Nothing, still keeping up

  • Submitted

    Found no problem when using SASS, works like wonderful

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Using the checkbox and css checked state hack instead of JS event listeners
    2. Before pseudo element for creating arrow
    3. Creating social media tooltip for mobile and desktop

    My question to the community: Nothing, great so far

  • Submitted

    Found no problem when using SASS, works like wonderful

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Tailwind custom properties

    My question to the community: Nothing, great so far

  • Submitted

    Found no problem when using SASS, works like wonderful

    What I have learned from this challenge: Nothing, just continuing previous lesson

    My question to the community: Nothing, great so far

  • Submitted

    Found no problem when using SASS, works like wonderful

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. How to use SASS
    2. Isolation isolate!
    3. BEM naming convention
    4. Using SASS 7-1 pattern
    5. Deploying on Vercel

    My question to the community: Nothing, great so far

  • Submitted

    Centering the profile photo was quite a challenge especially using tailwind (huft), but I learned a lot from this one, even though I failed to make the background pattern responsive

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Centering profile cards using tailwind
    2. Pushing local Git to Github

    My question to the community: I failed to make the background pattern responsive on screen smaller than 978px (that's the svg width, it has fixed width), any solutions from you guys? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

  • Submitted

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Nothing, just repeating previous lesson!

    My question to the community: I guess no question for y'all

  • Submitted

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. How to use tailwindcss
    2. How to use tailwindcss arbitrary value
    3. Configuring custom variable, font, box shadow in tailwind config
    4. Importing Google Fonts to CSS

    My question to the community: How do you make the pattern background mobile to have width of 100% ? (it seems that the pattern have a fixed witdth)

    Update Moving this project to react and doing revision(Update 4 Feb 2024)

  • Submitted

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Responsive layout using grid auto-fit and auto-fill
    2. Using logical properties for the first time
    3. DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself)

    My question to the community: I keep repeating border radius for different viewport size, is there any solutions for this?

    Update Moving this project to use tailwind and doing revision(Update 4 Feb 24).

  • Submitted

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. How to create Image Hover Overlay Effects
    2. Nested Flex and Grid

    My question to the community: Is there any Framework/Library for Image Hover Effects? That things just struggle me the most.

    Update Updating this project, and turning it into react reusable component, and revision it to look as same as possible with the design(Update 3 Feb 24)

  • Submitted

    What I have learned from this challenge:

    1. Always use semantics!
    2. Customizing button
    3. Never use viewport units(they have conflict with browser zoom)
    4. Centering items using grid
    5. Intrinsic Sizing with padding and margin

    My question to the community: I need more tips on developing more responsive website, any suggestions from you guys?

    Update Turning these component into react reusable component that use tailwind and try to revision the component to make it look as similar as possible with the design(Update 3 Feb 24).