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    After some time when I was learning JavaScript I came back to next challenge.

    I'd say I'm pretty satisfied with the JS part, but not at all with CSS. It works, but I feel it could have been written much better, easier with less code.

    What do you think?

  • Submitted

    Hello world, I'll be glad for any overall feedback regarding my next challenge.

    Thank you in advance for any

    Slava Ukraini!

  • Submitted

    Hi everyone, thank in advance for checking on my solution!

    First time using hidden 'h1'.

    • is this actually the best practise?

    I've tried to keep the CSS as clean as possible to increase readability.

    • how did I perform on this?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Submitted

    Okie-dokie, this took me far more time than I expected. Did I learn something? That I might always end-up cycled in my own code and get lost.

    I have a feeling like this might be the worst code I've written so far. After two days I've almost gave up and I probably ended rather with hard-coded solution instead of keeping it more responsive.

    I have two questions though:

    1. What am I missing to have the image look like on template?
    2. Is there a way to let image background fill it's div parent 100% instead of giving it absolute dimensions - or - is this the only option and the dimensions are controlled by higher count of more specific media queries afterwards?
  • Submitted

    Using media query for the first time. After tweaking the component for the desktop resolution I was a little bit surprised how it actually look on my resolution, but.. Let's see how it went :)

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    With my second challenge I've decided to create it with a responsive units as much as possible (such as ems, rems and %s). Soon I've realized that ems are a little confusing to me right now and I went mostly with rems and percents. If I knew how hard time I'll have figuring out that image hover before, I'd let responsive units untouched... :-D

    Anyway, is that solution - especially of image hover - let's say.. Alright?

  • Submitted

    Actually, I'm not sure how to specify my questions since it's my first challenge, but would like to get an overall feedback on css, whether it's not over-complicated. Might it be done in easier manner?

    Thanks in advance everyone who finds a minute :)