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  • @Holgermueller


    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I remembered most of the javascript I needed to use in order to enable the form validation.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    One challenge I encountered was setting up CSS Grid for the desktop layout. To overcome it, I just messed around with it until I figured out the right configuration. Another challenge I encountered was the tediousness of writing the form validation js.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Any constructive criticism is welcome!



    My recommendation will be to set the the outline of the input element to none. The blue really goes against the whole design. I think input as a default has that property. Great job. Keep on coding.

  • @shalomkerry


    its so perfect. Well done mate.

  • @shalomkerry


    this marks the first ever design challenge I did on vs-code. I used online platforms like stackblitz for the previous ones. going forward i will learn and use different frameworks.

  • P



    With this project I reach my first milestone on Frontend Mentor: Complete ALL newbie challenges.

    • This time I skimmed through the documentation of SCSS and managed to implement my first web project using it.
    • This week I'll take a few days off from shipping solutions and will take the necessary time to learn TypeScript. This way I'll be able to make the most out of the 35+ Junior level challenges that lie ahead.
    • FEM's solution screenshot makes it seem as though the content should be shifted a few good pixels to the right, which doesn't make any sense on any viewport. For this reason I chose to keep it centered.



    Nice Job Man. Am 10 Newbie Challenges shy from finishing it. I am thinking of learning SASS or TailWind before going to the Junior challenges. @sha_lom is my telegram account would love to talk to you more there if you don't mind.

  • ostroem 10



    Very much a beginner in CSS, took a while for me to center the whole component, doing it horizontally worked fine but vertically it just would not. I realised after doing some research that it needed a height (?) even though the "component window" had a height, I needed to set the body to have a height as well. At least I feel like I have understood and learned how it is working :) Any feedback is appreciated!



    keep on practising. Learn coding by killing zombies. centering elemetns would be easier after mastering flexbox. Check it out if you want to learn how to use flexbox.

  • P



    This was the first time I implemented some basic email validation on JavaScript. I made so I could re-use the code in upcoming challenges that bring the same requirement.

    The validation itself is not bullet-proof (since it's client-side, anyway), but provides a good start.

    This was the first project, however, in which I decided to make a design change. The FEM's model includes a submit button that feels completely out of place with an apparent "3D-look" that sticks like a sore thumb and is disturbingly reminiscent of iOS's slide-to-unlock feature. It makes no sense visually. I thus removed the linear gradient and the box-shadow in favor of a flat style. I also changed the email field's background color so a higher contrast would differentiate it more from the feature's overall background.



    your's better in the email box than the design. the white contrast is nice.

  • P



    This project required a lot of work due to the sheer number of design exceptions everywhere. It's not like all cards followed the same patterns -- there were changes that had to be dealt with between each card and, for the same card, for each of the breakpoint viewport dimensions.

    It's a good project overall if you need to practice your CSS Grid skills.



    I saw your code and gotta say its really neat. The way both the HTML and CSS are organised are really great.

  • @ShinjiX-Web


    Hello All,

    Completed this challenge. Feedback is appreciated. Happy New Year!



    The widths are not equal and it would help if you could get one close when you open another to save space. Check out mine to see how it works. Nice job keep on going.

    Marked as helpful

  • @Olokoburnfire


    hey guys i completed this challenge, although i couldn't meet up with the goal i set for myself; which is to make the opened question close on opening another questiion using just JavaScript, i just couldn't get it. i really appreciate it if y'all can suggest a way of making that happen.

    Thank you in advance guys



    use the classList.toggle('active') property to add a class to the content. Then you can manipulate it using Java Script. Check out my solutions of I did it.

  • @shalomkerry


    Nice build. you can benefit from using line-height and increase in the fonts of the paragraphs inorder to make it look more like the design

    Marked as helpful
