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- Submitted over 1 year ago
Intro section with dropdown navigation done with ReactJS and Tailwind
#react#tailwind-css- HTML
- JS
- Submitted over 1 year ago
Newsletter sign-up form with success message made in ReactJS
#react- HTML
- JS
Latest comments
- @tnzgxSubmitted about 2 years ago@rubuzPosted about 2 years ago
Hi @tnzgx,
it's not that your shade have 5 extra pixels, your .image is missing 5px on bottom. :D
Try adding aspect-ratio: 1/1; in .image class.
Regards, Matjaz
Marked as helpful0 - @almeida883Submitted about 2 years ago@rubuzPosted about 2 years ago
Hi Hugo,
It's nice that you start using variables for colors, but you can also use them for font-weight, font-size, font-family, and so on.
That way if the designer will change his mind after the project is done is much easier to make changes for you. You just change one line of code.
Otherwise, pretty good job on this challenge. Keep up with good work. :)
And a happy new year! Matjaz
Marked as helpful1 - @mallory-cvlhSubmitted about 2 years ago@rubuzPosted about 2 years ago
Hi Mallory,
if you want the footer to be on the bottom, and you still want to use the grid on body, you need to make 2 rows in your grid. First row is for the main content and the second row is for the footer.
To the body element add: grid-template-rows: 1fr auto;
To the footer element add: grid-row-start: 2; grid-row-end: 3; and remove the position and bottom.
This will force footer to the bottom of the page.
Regards, Matjaz
1 - @JeremyPaymalSubmitted about 2 years ago@rubuzPosted about 2 years ago
Hi JJ,
Because you used <img> tag with SVG source, you can not use fill to change the color of an image. Fill works only on <svg> tags.
Or you can use the filter property to alter the color of an image. It's some kind of workaround. You can use this tool:
For your code, you can try with this:
.share_btn:hover{ background-color: #48556A; }
.share_btn:hover img { filter: brightness(0) saturate(100%) invert(100%) sepia(100%) saturate(2%) hue-rotate(165deg) brightness(105%) contrast(101%);}
Hope you will find this useful. :)
Marked as helpful1 - @SonuKr95Submitted about 2 years ago@rubuzPosted about 2 years ago
You can try pseudo element :focus (use it similarly as :hover element) on buttons if you want them to stay "active" after a click.
Regards, Matjaz
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