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  • Mathieu THIRY• 300



    Any feedback would be great. I did not succeed to display the background image at the top right in mobile. I used js to toggle, any suggestion in only html / css would be helpful

    Mathieu THIRY• 300



    Yeah I am learning sass and I will use this feature for my next project. That is cleaner, it's a little bit hard to apply right away but I will refactor next time.

  • Mathieu THIRY• 300



    Excellent ;), just on your readme, links don't work

  • Mathieu THIRY• 300



    Any feedback would be great. I did not succeed to display the background image at the top right in mobile. I used js to toggle, any suggestion in only html / css would be helpful

    Mathieu THIRY• 300



    Hi thanks a lot for your reply, it is very helpful. That is the first time i receive a deep review.

    • Indeed, I changed the media query so i don't have anymore horizontal scroll.
    • Yeah I don't pay attention to html tag and I should pick them more carefully.
    • Oh yeah i modified my code so the user can click either "annually" or "monthly". It makes more professional.

    I wonder if you use the BEM methodology? I am looking to structure more my code. Thanks

  • Mathieu THIRY• 300



    Thanks you for your feedback. Oups yes I used an overflow hidden that's why you can't scroll

  • Mathieu THIRY• 300



    Hey great job your solution is responsive.

    You did not import well the font that's why it looks different from the preview image. You import like this => @import url(';700&family=Lexend+Deca&display=swap'); but the easiest way to do it is to go to the google font website ans select yours fonts.

    The container also lacks a border radius. The button at the bottom should have a more space.

    Marked as helpful
