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    Constructing the project presented challenges, particularly in managing the position of individual elements. The difficulty arose when attempting to incorporate multiple elements within a single function, especially concerning the implementation of the hover function. This complexity led to a struggle in achieving the desired outcome.

    In terms of code uncertainties, CSS emerged as an area requiring attention. Specifically, there was uncertainty regarding the placement of elements and the utilization of the ':' symbol. To address this, I resorted to learning resources such as W3Schools and YouTube. These platforms proved instrumental in enhancing my understanding of CSS and refining the organization of the stylesheet. Through this process, I gained insights into effective element placement and the nuanced use of the ':' symbol, contributing to an overall improvement in the code's structure and clarity. Despite encountering difficulties, the learning experience through online resources facilitated a more informed and confident approach to handling CSS-related challenges in the project.

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    While constructing the project, I encountered challenges in positioning the QR div at the center of the page using CSS. The complexity arose from my confusion regarding the utilization of 'margin, padding, and border' to ensure its fixed placement irrespective of the page's dimensions. I struggled to comprehend the interplay of these properties, particularly in achieving a centered layout.

    In terms of code comprehension, I identified a need for a CSS refresher to enhance my understanding of various properties and their functionalities. This led me to revisit W3Schools to reinforce my knowledge. Despite the initial difficulty, once I grasped the concepts, the project became an enjoyable endeavour. The challenges, albeit simplified in retrospect, prompted a deeper exploration of CSS intricacies. Overall, this learning process not only clarified the specific project-related hurdles but also added a layer of enjoyment as I witnessed the development unfold.