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    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I'm proud of finding out a formula for my scss skeleton and for establishing a set of css variables.

    Next time I would pay more attention to the design details as this time I wanted to make use of my variables and nothing else.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    I had a little bit of a struggle with setting the size of the image and of the flex container but eventually I picked them one by one and they all made sense.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Hello everyone!

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated, I'm eager to hear how could I improve my scss.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Submitted

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Hello everyone!

    I'm especially curious about that I could have done better with my SCSS. Any feedback regarding anything else is greatly appreciated as well.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Submitted

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

    I'm especially curious about how could I improve my scss as this is the 2nd project using scss.


  • Submitted

    What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

    I got my hands dirty for the first time with some scss I wouldn't use scss variable so much next time because I couldn't change their values inside media queries. I'd rather use the css variables next time.

    What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

    At some point I couldn't understand the behavior of 1fr for grid rows when the grid had no explicit height. But after asking around I eventually found my answers on discord and stackoverflow.

    What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

    Hello, everyone!

    This is my first time using scss, I know I did not use it extensively but it's an honest beginning. I would very much appreciate any tips and tricks that I could use from now on.

    Thank you all!

  • Submitted

    Hello, everyone!

    What I'd like to find out:

    • On mobile, using my real phone, after I check then uncheck a checkbox, the hover state remains! Is it normal? How do we usually handle this?
    • Is it wrong that I built the checkboxes using divs? I don't know if it was possible to build them the way they look with input radios.
    • Any other feedback is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks a lot

    • I'm also planning on creating a backend, stay tuned for that!
  • Submitted


    • Can anyone, please, help me out with those icons? I simply copy pasted the .svg files and some work while other don't work. I really don't know how should I proceed.

    • What do you think about that image which is positioned absolute at the top right corner? I put both the nav and hero under the header and positioned it relative to the header. Is there any other better solution?

    • I'm curios if the html tags semantics are ok.

    All feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks a lot

  • Submitted


    • Struggled to center those digits inside the circles, and still they look to me like they are not perfectly centered. I understand that is because there is some invisible space underneath each number which is reserved for letter like "g" or something like that. Could someone please tell me if I understood right and if there is any other way beside using flexbox to center a digit inside a circle? I centered the icon without flexbox but I believe that is just luck because the icon was roughly a square.
  • Submitted

    Hello everyone

    • is there any nice way of adding a transition to that background gradient of the button?
    • please let me know if you see anything that could be improved, feedback is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you

  • Submitted

    Hey, guys!

    • I noticed that I'm always having troubles with deciding what should I explicitly size first: the image itself or its container?
    • for example, my approach was to first ask myself: how big do I want the whole stuff to be (left plus right pannel). Then I set the container width then I figured out that I want the picture to be half of the container so I went and I set a width on the picture. Is there any better approach in scenario like this (left panel image + right panel text)?
    • last question: what would be the best approach to change the img dinamically based on the viewport size? This time I used the html picture tag, do you usually do it differently? I read that there is some way by making it the background image or something.

    Thanks for reading, if you see anything else that I did which is fishy, please let me know!

  • Submitted


    • I'm not entirely sure if the mobile responsiveness part could be considered as done only by the max-width trick that I applied on the container. The picture of the mobile design looked quiet the same to me so I thought that nothing should be done about it.

    • Also, I'm not sure if I used the information from correctly regarding the Desktop width. I just applied 1440px to the most outer container but it looks strange on my screen.

    • Please let me know if you have any tips about anything at all. I'd really like to learn more about good practices but I don't know where to go from here.

    Thanks for reading!