I wasn't sure how to make it so that the user could choose only one rating to submit. I tried using a radio input but that added a smaller circle to select and the number had a set distance that was off-center. Also, I wasn't sure how to show the rating that the user had clicked on the 'thank you' page. I tried using an event listener to save their choice as a variable to call later but I couldn't figure out how to do it so I left it as a static message always showing 4 out 5.
@melad99All comments
- @StevenTheAnalystSubmitted over 2 years ago@melad99Posted over 2 years ago
*FirstTo center the container in the middle of the page I used this for CSS in my solution and it works perfectly:
transform:translate(-50%, -50%);
*For adding the same number I give each element and id and in the javascript when it clicked it shows the number with ID on the thank you page I think that will work with you.
I hope that's will help you and that you did a great job and try with this challenge ...good luck with other challenges.
0 - @onwuemenejoshuaSubmitted over 2 years ago
- Pls, what can I do to make the mobile view highly responsive, especially regarding the Image??
- pls, how do I position the container(Image and content(text)) in the middle of the page(desktop view)?
- pls, how can I make both the image and the content(text) to be of equal width?
@melad99Posted over 2 years ago2-To center the container in the middle of the page I used this for CSS in my solution and it works perfectly:
transform:translate(-50%, -50%);
3:for the image and text I split the container into left and right ..giving the photo width and also the texts div and like this you can contain both.
I hope that's will help you and that you did a great job and try with this challenge ...good luck with other challenegs.
Marked as helpful0 - @nikhil149Submitted over 2 years ago
Can some one help in fix any issues
@melad99Posted over 2 years agoFirst To center the page you can use this CSS properties for the main div for the card .class-name{
position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform:translate(-50%, -50%) ;
-then for the price, you should give it a color with CSS
Also for the title, you can give it a width so it is like the design I hope that will help and I'm here for any questions
Marked as helpful0 - @mei-eSubmitted over 2 years ago
Hello ! I have difficulty in wrapping the text as I resize the window. Any helpful solutions are appreciated !
@melad99Posted over 2 years agoafter giving width and height to the main <div> for the card you can give the text also a width so it will match the design.
<h1 class="hh1">Gabrielle Essence Eau De Parfum </h1>STYLE:
hh1{ width: 250px; line-height: 30px; font-family: 'Fraunces', serif; font-weight: 700; }
I hope that I understand your problem and this will help
Marked as helpful1