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  • Fritz 300



    Currently I'm using CSS background property to change the source of the image accordingly. Is there a better way of doing it? Is it better to put supporting icons as an element beside the text or using pseudo css selectors. I'm currently using the ::before to insert the cart icon and wanting to know if that is the optimal solution?



    Hey Fritz, Congrats on completing the challenge!

    There is no optimal solution, I think you did a great job!

    For the different images for different screen sizes, it is advisable to use <picture> since the images are an important aspect of the site.

    For example:

    <picture> <source media="(max-width: 375px)" srcset="./img/image-product-mobile.jpg"> <img src="./img/image-product-desktop.jpg" alt="Perfume with green leaf props"> </picture>

    This resource can help you understand better.

    I also think the icons should be placed as images or svgs as well in the HTML, instead of using the pseudo-class selector.

    I hope this helps.

    Happy coding!

    Marked as helpful

  • @mbonamensa


    Hi Ricardo, well done for completing this challenge!

    Few tips and feedback

    • The live site URL was flagged in my browser as a deceptive site. I think this because of how it is named. Instead of using the names generated by Netlify, you could try renaming the subdomain. For example: instead of, try
    • Use <picture> in rendering the images for the different screen sizes instead of using display: none in your CSS to render them on the screen. Like the code below:
        <source media="(max-width: 650px)" srcset="./img/image-product-mobile.jpg">
        <img src="./img/image-product-desktop.jpg" alt="Perfume with green leaf props">
    • I found that using min-height: 100vh instead of height:100vh and removing the width: 100vw solved the issue with the scroll.

    Happy coding!
